Rotten Berry Charm Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find in the Backyard is the Rotten Berry Charm.
Suspicious Ice Cap Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find and access early on in the Backyard is the Suspicious Ice Cap.
Moth Armor

Moth Armor Set is a tier 3 light armor set that is made from the remains of moths. The Moth Armor set is recommended for any range players.
Everlasting Hogstopper Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find and access later on in the Backyard is the Everlasting Hogstopper.
Koi Scale Armor

Koi Scale Armor is a tier 2 light armor set, that is made from the koi fish scales and other resources that are only found in the pond depths
Best Mutations in Grounded
The player starts with two slots for Mutations but this can be increased to 5 with Milk Molars. There are 33 Mutations to be acquired by the player and we are going to show you the best. These are the Best Mutations in Grounded. Mutations are perks, sort of like upgrades to your character. You […]
Spider Armor

Spider Armor is a tier 2 medium armor set that is extremely good due to the high stamina regeneration that the 2 perks give.
Grounded Hedge Lab Guide

Grounded has a wealth of cool places to discover and the Hedge Lab is one of them. The Hedge Lab is one of the first big quests you will come across and its not as easy as you may think!
Hot Cha Charm Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to be found in the Backyard. As such, one of the trinkets you will be able to find and access later on in the Backyard is the Hot Cha Charm.
How To Get The Tier 2 Insect Axe in Grounded
In Grounded the Insect Axe is an upgraded version of the Pebblet Axe. As you progress through the game you will see that you will need a Tier 2 axe to chop certain resources down. This is where the Insect Axe comes in.