With Wildmender launching later this year, we have been enjoying the Demo ahead of its release. It’s super relaxing, definitely one of those games you can enjoy peacefully! We’ve spent quite a bit of time in the Demo to bring you as much information as we can about Wildmender ahead of its launch in this Complete Guide.

What is Wildmender? This is Our Complete Guide to Wildmender
Wildmender is an MMORPG survival game that was developed by Muse Games. In this game, the player aims to discover what happened to the past that will help them to protect the future. The players will also be challenged to restore the environment by exploring the desert; crafting new tools; restoring the plants; defeating enemies; cultivating the garden; and building a new world alone or with three other players.

What Type of Platforms Supports Wildmender?
The game will be available on PC, XBOX Series X|S, and Play Station 5.
Will Wildmender be a Multiplayer?
After breaking the circle, you will be able to unlock the multiplayer mode which can be played with up to three other people.

What Are the Features of Wildmender?
Art Style
Wildmender has impressive 3d environments with beautiful effects. With those kinds of environments, the art style of the character complements along with it.

Craftable Structures and Tools
You are able to build a shelter, utility, decorations, and stations that can help you survive the deserted world. The game has more than 50 structures and tools available, however, the demo only has a limited number of these in it.

Perks and Abilities Upgrades
Each of the abilities has different features, and to unlock them, you need the help of the friendly ghosts that you can encounter through exploring. There are more than 75 perks and abilities available in the game. The demo version only has a limited number of these perks and abilities available.

Survival Abilities
In the survival section, you may be able to unlock all of the abilities related to crafting. Handcrafts are one of them, and after unlocking it, you will be able to learn how to construct the basics things to do using wood and fiber.
Arcane Abilities
The arcane section mostly utilizes the use of essence. One of the abilities that you can learn there is Sigil Stones, which enables you to craft enchanted sigils that gather essence and can also be used to repair ancient Sigil Gates.
Spiritual Abilities
The spiritual section is mostly all about plants. Song of Growth is one of the abilities that helps you to manipulate the growth of the plants with the help of magic.
Guidance Abilities
In the guidance section, you will be able to learn all of the abilities that you can use in the game such as skills of your mirror, sliding in the sand, and many more. Mirror Reflect is one of them, and it helps you to reflect and send back all of the projectile attacks coming from the attacker.
Secret Abilities
You can unlock all of your secret abilities by exploring the game. You can see them as an object and just interact to obtain them. Windbreak is one of the secret abilities you can obtain and it helps your plants suffering from water loss, wind exposure, and reducing the damage taken from the storms.

Once you have built yourself a loom, you are able to craft costumes. Due to the game only having a demo, the amount of costumes you are able to craft is limited.

Sigil Gates allow you to teleport from one gate to another one. Sigil Gates need to be repaired with certain materials before you are able to use them.

The Ghosts
Ghosts help you upgrade specific sets of abilities such as survival, arcane, spiritual, secret, and guidance. They are also sources of information about the history of the deserted world.

As of now, in the demo, there are only two enemies, the wraiths and the crystals.
The Wraiths
You can encounter the wraiths on the whole map, even during the day time, they are wandering around. There are times that they will raid your base, they are easy to defeat, but they are fleeing away after taking some damage from you.

The Crystals
You will be able to encounter them if you are doing a quest. You need to defeat them in order to get the shards that you need to give to Vidyas, the spirit guide, in your base. Defeating them needs timing since you need to reflect the beams coming from them.

Dying in the game is just temporary as you will respawn at your base. You will end up dropping all your items when you die, but you are able to go back to where you died and recover your items.

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Top 10 Starter Tips
Preparing for the game before it even releases is one of the good things that players can do since nowadays, with the help of the Internet, you can find anything you want. So with this complete guide to Wildmender, we will be able to give you, not just five starter tips, but ten!
1. Explore During NightTime
Exploring during nighttime is the best thing you can do in this game. You will be able to explore freely without worrying about losing some health because of the sun. It is also better to do the quests during nighttime to play easily with peace of mind. If you explore during day time, your character will lose some health depending on how long you stay from direct sunlight. So make sure to go to the shaded area from time to time to cool down. If you ever explore when there is still sun, always bring enough resources like food and water.

2. Plant Enough
In this game, players must plant enough seeds during day time. In the evening, it will grow and you will be able to get the essence that is crucial to the game.

3. Be Aware of Where You Plant
Each plant prefers a certain place in order for them to grow faster and better. So before you plant, always check it first and have a plan where you plant in order to be organized which will help you to locate a certain plant faster.

4. Check Your Plants
Plants need to be watered daily. If you forget to do it, it will eventually die and you do not want that to happen. Plants are one of the important things to look out for in this game because they provide you with food that will help you to survive.

5. Check What You Are Eating
You can only eat a limited number of foods in the game. It is important to look over food before consuming it, as certain foods are toxic or harmful.

6. Watch Out For the Cliffs
Just like in any other survival game, players can take damage falling from a cliff. So you must take note of that whenever you are climbing to a high place.

7. Collecting and Using of Essence
This violet thing is called essence, and it is important to the game, you can use those as materials required before being able to level up some skills like handcrafts, carpentry, adornments, and many more.

8. Seek For the Ghosts
Wildmender is not your typical horror game where the ghosts are bad creatures and you need to get away from them. In this game, you need to find ghosts since they can help you to know more about the game and in upgrading abilities.
There is an item called an ancestral altar which you can craft in order to locate the ghosts.

9. Remember Vidyas
Vidyas, the guiding spirit, will be able to help you in your adventure toward discovering the past of the deserted world. If you felt lost and do not have any idea what to do, just talk to Vidyas. Since Vidyas has all of the information you need such as about food, what kind of food, and where to look for them.

10. Collecting Acorn
In this game, the acorn is one of the things that are not interesting to collect, but it is one of the most important things to have. Commonly, you can use acorns to plant and eat only. But it is a required material in some of the tools like the sigil gate which can be used to teleport. It is also in one of the quests in the demo, that requires you to offer an acorn before praying.

When Will Wildmender Be Available to Play?
As of now, the demo is still available to play. You can use this complete guide to Wildmender to finish the demo. In the demo, you will be able to enjoy the game since you can already explore the desert and do some quests but it is only limited since it is just a demo. However, the planned release date of Wildmender will be on this year, 2023. Make sure to visit the official website of Muse Games to be more updated on what are they working for, especially the updates of Wildmender.
Wildmender Trailers
There are two trailers available, the first video was when it was announced last year, on June 12, 2022. While the second video is a demo trailer of the game which was released last June 10, 2023.
We hope that our thorough Wildmender tutorial has been helpful to you. While you wait for the debut of Wildmender, do you want to play another massively multiplayer online role-playing game? How about taking a look at the rest of our website to see what you are looking for?