Pax Dei releases their first newsletter
Pax Dei releases their first newsletter showcasing the progress of the main build with Unreal Engine 5, Whilst hosting a Friends & Family closed alpha, The main improvements consists of server stability, loading times and performance in general along with discovering and fixing bugs. With the feedback from the alpha playtest, Mainframe Industries have been able to focus on balancing within crafting, combat and resources (also including resource gathering). It sounds like a successful 3 months for the team.

Bigger lands to explore
The successful start of the closed alpha, The team behind Pax Dei has been able to implement several updates to the core build, improving several core-game systems such as, enemies, gear, sound effects and visual effects. They did mention in the newsletter that much more has been added and updated but it looks like they’re making us wait!
A huge update has been added to biomes and provinces, mentioning that the current playable map has now received updates and expansions! with a new province called ‘Merrie’ that has been combined with ‘Ancien’ (the first announced province). They have boasted that as of now there is 130 – 150 KM² of land to inhabit. I don’t know about you but with a map this big already I just cannot wait to explore and sharpen my mining skills.
With all these updates within the first iteration of a closed alpha this can only mean good things for Pax Dei!

Build a house, your way
The first newsletter showcased several buildings and towns that were all player built, down to the benches outside the homes, wells in the centre of town, even paths and bridges to provide a safe way to transport from your idyllic safe haven.
From tannery racks in your house or even putting a cooking station outside to enjoy the views, it all seems to be your choice. Have you ever wanted an alchemists table next to a window looking out to a lake or a mountain view, looks like you’ll have the opportunity to do that in Pax Dei.
I’m sure the building has had several changes within the alpha playtest, but the results from such a short playlist definitely makes me wonder what kind of castles are going to be made on release.

What comes next?
In the newsletter Pax Dei have confirmed that due to the progress of the game and its infrastructure the gates may be opening sooner than we had anticipated, we covered the first announcement of an open playtest here.
Whilst we may have to wait for more news, they have already announced that updates and sneak peaks will continue, they sure know how to keep my curiosity.

Don’t miss your chance
As Pax Dei releases their first newsletter, confirming an open alpha is on the way, To make sure you don’t miss the opportunity we have already have a guide on how the playtest sign up works, make sure you check this out so everything is completed and you stand a better chance to get in.

Worth the wait
All of us here at MMO-WIKI love to see the passion and excitement not only from the players leading up to a release of the game, but the developers themselves. The team at Mainframe Industries definitely capture the excitement behind the project and the amount of passion is something to see for yourself.
The first newsletter has definitely provided a lot of information, from progress of development regarding the Unreal Engine 5 core build, to the huge expansion of land ready for us to explore.
If you got this far, you’re already interested and invested with Pax Dei becoming the game that you’re going to build a city and explore the lands with your friends, don’t forget to add it to your Wishlist on steam.