Return to Moria coming to PlayStation 5. After the PC success of the game and its release back on October 24, 2023, the mining and crafting survival game, Return to Moria, will be playable on the PS5 starting in early December. With that, let’s jump into more on the announcement.

When Is Return To Moria Coming To PlayStation?
The official team of the highly loved Lord of the Rings game, Return to Moria, recently released jaw-dropping news! Return to Moria is coming to PlayStation 5. The team officially revealed the news with a screenshot sneak peek of the game being played on the console.

Return to Moria coming to PlayStation 5 was officially announced on the Return to Moria Twitter to drop on December 5, 2023, physically and digitally. Just in time for Christmas. Aside from the PS5 release, Return to Moria is said to be planned to also be available on the Xbox Series X and S consoles in early 2024.
So with that, mark your calendars, write them down in your wish lists, and enjoy Christmas with some Biltong and the breathtaking graphics of Return to Moria and more.

Q: What can we expect from this?
A: Since the PlayStation 5 has an incredible amount of power and a reputation for graphics, you can expect a difference between the PC and console versions. Aside from that, gameplay and mechanics do not change at all for players who have played the PC version of the game.
Q: Will there be exclusives?
A: As of now there are no indicators of this but like other games that indeed have exclusives in their console installments that can’t be found in their PC version, this is something we can look out for but not something we should fully expect.
Q: Will there be any notable differences between the two versions?
A: Aside from graphics and accessibility, there will not be HUGE differences.
Q: What about people who don’t have PlayStation 5s?
A: For people who do not have a console, there will always be the PC version available on Epic Games.
Q: What are the things to look forward to in the console version of Return to Moria?
A: Return to Moria coming to PlayStation 5 is already glorious news! We can definitely expect that the PlayStation 5 version will feel different in controls and other technicals but in terms of the actual gameplay, nothing much will differ from the PC version. Aside from the basic and obvious differences, we can expect the console version to have fewer glitches and more bug fixes than the PC version to make your experience greater.
We hope you were as excited as us to hear the amazing news on Return to Moria coming to PlayStation 5! If you’d like more Moria-related articles, dive into our official Return to Moria homepage where you’ll find game guides and articles such as how to defeat bosses like Narag Shazon the dragon, Bolgakh the Orc, and various articles such guides for resources and more! If you’d like to be the first to know about new releases and future guides on return to Moria, join our official Discord Channel!