Welcome to our Advanced Gardening Guide to Palia, this is a continuation of our Complete Gardening Guide for those of you who want to get the most out of your Gardens in Palia!
Please note, that this guide is a continuous work in progress as the game develops and updates are made. You can join the discussion on our discord.

Overview of the Crops in Palia
Crop | 1st Harvest | Reharvest | Effect on Nearby Crops | Sells For |
Potato | 5 Days | N/A | Water Retain | 45 Gold |
Tomato | 4 Days | 2 Days | Water Retain | 23 Gold |
Wheat | 4 Days | N/A | Increase Yield | 33 Gold |
Rice | 3 Days | N/A | Increase Yield | 27 Gold |
Cotton | 5 Days | N/A | Increase Quality | 45 Gold |
Carrot | 3 Days | N/A | Prevents Weedgrow | 23 Gold |
Onion | 4 Days | N/A | Prevents Weedgrow | 30 Gold |
Blueberry Tree | 9 Days | 3 Days | Faster Growth Rate | 39 Gold |
Apple Tree | 12 Days | 6 Days | Faster Growth Rate | 64 Gold |
This is an overview of the Crops in Palia, this is after our time playing and we will continue to update this as we progress and learn more about gardening! Reharvestable crops can be picked 4 times after the initial harvest and Sells For is how much the original crop sells for at the general store.
Advanced Gardening Guide to Palia
As you can see from the table above, each crop has its own unique properties that can affect those connected to it. From our research, the crops work in a + formation. If your crop is in the center and that retains water, it will affect the crop above, below, and on either side, it does not affect the drops in a diagonal direction.

The 3×3 Plots
The First Timer (Progression)

The First Timer
Designed for a smooth start to the world of gardening this plot features 4 quality and yield-boosted tomatoes, the plot is fully water retaining. Aimed at providing you with quality Tomato seeds for your next plots. You will have to replant the Cotton, Rice, and Potatoes to account for the tomato’s total growth time. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 90 Weed Block Fertilizer
- 4 Cotton Seeds
- 4 Tomato Seeds
- 2 Rice Seeds
- 4 Potato Seeds
Babies First Quests (Questing)

Babies First Quests
Designed to obtain all the early game farming-related quest items, All of the produce on this plot is used for either an NPC gift or a quest somewhere in the early to mid-game. This plot is fully self-sustaining and yield boosts the tomatoes and carrots. Switching the orientation of the tomatoes with the potatoes or switching the carrots with the onions will yield the same result. You will have to replant the Carrots, Onions, Rice, and Potatoes to account for the tomato’s total growth time. There is no fertilizer required for this plot although you could add quality fertilizer if you need quality produce for a specific quest. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 6 Carrot Seeds
- 4 Onion Seeds
- 2 Tomato Seeds
- 3 Rice Seeds
- 4 Potato Seeds
The Money Maker 3000 (Money)

The Money Maker 3000
Designed for maximum profit, fully water-retaining, and yield-boosted. Make sure to fertilize with weed block Fertilizer. You will have to replant the Rice, Wheat, and Potatoes to account for the tomato’s total growth time. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 90 Weed Block Fertilizer
- 4 Tomato Seeds
- 6 Rice Seeds
- 3 Wheat Seeds
- 4 Potato Seeds
The 6×6 Plots
The Intermediary (Progression)

The Intermediary
Designed for a smooth start to the world of gardening this plot features 2 quality boosted blueberry bushes setting you up with quality blueberry seeds for the plots to come, This plot should generate a decent amount of passive income while getting you those desired blueberry seeds as well. You will have to replant the Cotton, Rice, Carrots, Wheat, Onions, Tomatoes, and Potatoes to account for the Blueberry Bush’s total growth time. 21 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 2 Blue Berry Seeds
- 8 Cotton Seeds
- 22 Tomato Seeds
- 28 Rice Seeds
- 36 Potato Seeds
- 10 Onion Seeds
The Midgame Quester (Questing)

The Midgame Quester
Designed to obtain as many cooking-related necessities as possible, many of these crops are staples in your mid-game cooking recipes and quests. Make sure to use quality seeds or quality fertilizer. Fully water retaining, partially weed resistant, and partially yield boosted. You will have to replant the Rice, Wheat, Onions, Carrots, and Potatoes to account for the tomato’s total growth time. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 12 Rice Seeds
- 10 Tomato Seeds
- 8 Wheat Seeds
- 20 Potato Seeds
- 12 Onion Seeds
The Money Maker 6000 (Money)

The Money Maker 6000
Designed for maximum profit, fully water-retaining, and yield-boosted. Make sure to fertilize with weed block Fertilizer. You will have to replant the Rice, Wheat, and Potatoes to account for the tomato’s total growth time. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 144 Weed Block Fertilizer
- 12 Tomato Seeds
- 24 Potato Seeds
- 12 Wheat Seeds
- 24 Rice Seeds
The 9×9 Plots
The Advanced (Progression)

The Advanced
Designed to obtain quality blueberry and apple seeds while maintaining a healthy economical approach. Fully water retaining and partially quality buffed. Yield boosted on your quality items. Fertilizing only for the lazy farmers. 30 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 900 Weed Block Fertilizer
- 2 Blueberry Bush Seeds
- 72 Tomato Seeds
- 30 Wheat Seeds
- 96 Potato Seeds
- 1 Apple Tree Seed
Heroic Quester (Questing)

Heroic Quester
Designed to allow questers to do as many relevant quest items while retaining enough cash flow as possible, This plot features 2 blueberry bushes and 1 apple tree for end-game questing needs. Fully water Retaining, Partial yield, and growth speed boosted. Weed block fertilizer is expensive for plots this size so only advised for the lazy or AFKing gamer. 30 In game days for a full harvest “
Starting Requirements:
- 2 Blueberry Bush Seeds
- 72 Tomato Seeds
- 30 Wheat Seeds
- 30 Cotton Seeds
- 96 Potato Seeds
- 106 Carrot Seeds
- 1 Apple Tree Seed
The Money Maker 9000 (Money)

The Money Maker 9000
Designed to produce the maximum amount of sellable produce, aimed at getting the highest value per slot possible. Making sure this plot is full of quality seeds will greatly increase the amount of money per harvest, Fertilizing this plot is not advised because it will greatly limit your profits but it’s an option for the lazy farmer among us. This plot is fully water-retaining. 10 in-game days for a full harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 900 Weed Block Fertilizer
- 36 Rice Seeds
- 30 Tomato Seeds
- 30 Wheat Seeds
- 60 Potato Seeds
Blueberry Business (Money)

Blueberry Business
A variation from the Money Maker 9000 with the addition of some Blueberry bushes and apple trees which will increase the Growth Rate of those crops around it. Make sure this plot is full of Quality Seeds which will greatly improve the money per harvest.
Starting Requirements:
- 34 Tomato Seeds
- 44 Potato Seeds
- 84 Wheat Seeds
- 3 Blueberry Seeds
- 2 Apple Tree Seeds
Everything you need to know about Fertilizer in Palia
Once you’ve figured out everything you need to know about advanced gardening in Palia you will want to understand a bit more about how the Fertilizer works.
There are different types of fertilizers in Palia that provide your crops with different outcomes, with some being easier to come by than others.
QualityUp Fertilizer – This is the easiest to get as it can be crafted at the workbench but also comes out of the regular Worm Farm. Not needed much because you can use Wheat and Rice to increase quality.

HydratePro Fertilizer – Used to retain water in your crops. If your plot has lots of Tomatoes and Potatoes you may not need this one, but if you decide to go without them, or have crops that do not touch a water retention crop.

Weedblock Fertilizer – Does what it says on the Tin! Placing this Fertilizer on your crops will prevent weeds from growing.

SpeedyGro Fertilizer – Provides your crops with that much-needed Growthboost, if you need it!

Tips And Tricks
- Once you plant a crop, you cannot take it up! So be careful placing your Blue Berry and Apple trees as they take quite a few in-game days to harvest if you change your mind!
- You can place fertilizers on top of each other! So if you place the wrong one, no fear, you can apply the new one on top to replace the older one.
- Seed Collectors are your friends! They will allow you to create an infinite number of seeds and quality seeds with our own crops, without buying them from Zeki’s store!
- Tomato Seeds sell for Good money.
- To keep your garden growing you need to make sure they are watered and weeded.
We hope you find our Advanced Gardening Guide to Palia useful. You are welcome to join the conversation over on our Discord!