Everything You Need To Know About Tau

Tau is the loyal puppy companion that accompanies Hassian as they roam Kilima Village. Before the version 0.168 update, interacting with Tau, who is a Plumehound Resident, mainly involved petting and talking to the pup, offering minimal practical advantages. However, rejoice! Thanks to the recent update, you now have the opportunity to strengthen your bond and friendship with Tau!

Everything You Need to Know About Tau

Everything You Need to Know About Tau

Tau is the loyal puppy companion that accompanies Hassian as they roam Kilima Village. Before the version 0.168 update, interacting with Tau, who is a Plumehound Resident, mainly involved petting and talking to the pup, offering minimal practical advantages. However, rejoice! Thanks to the recent update, you now have the opportunity to strengthen your bond and friendship with Tau! Let’s get started to deepening everything you need to know about Tau!

Tau Location and Schedule

The first part for deepening everything you need to know about Tau is to know the location and schedule. As Tau is the devoted companion of our fellow villager, Hassian, he adheres to Hassian’s schedule. During the daytime, you can find Tau in Kilima Village, and he often wanders amidst the expansive windmills. There’s a particular spot where he lingers, and you can engage in activities like playing with him or having a conversation in that area.

Starting from 4:00 pm. Tau is found inside the tavern. He enjoys socializing with the villagers. He is alongside Auni and he is fond of him.

Lastly, as night falls, Tau makes his way to the Bahari Area to sleep in Hassian’s house, sharing a cozy space with his beloved owner.

Time Location
3:00 amWalking from Hassian`s Grave to Hideaway Bluffs (Bahari Map)
9:00 amCrossing the windmills area in Kilima Village (Kilima Map)
4:00 pmTogether with Hassian at Kilima`s Tavern
8:00 pmTravelling to Hassian`s Grave
Everything You Need to Know About Tau
Everything You Need to Know About Tau

Here is the route of Tau and Hassian in Kilima Village during the day before going to the Tavern. You can see Tau just chilling underneath the windmills. Go ahead and play with the Dog! 

Everything You Need to Know About Tau
Everything You Need to Know About Tau

Here is the location of Tau and Hassian when he is at the tavern. You can find Tau on the terrace with the lake view.

Everything You Need to Know About Tau
Everything You Need to Know About Tau

Tau and Hassian are at Hideaway Bluffs by the pond, where they sleep and live.

Tau’s Favorite Items for Increasing Friendship Points

Part of everything you need to know about Tau is to know his favorite items. He is like any other villager. He has items that they find appealing and items they don’t like. we’ll only be considering the items that Tau finds agreeable.

1. Briar Daisy
2. Brightshroom
3. Chapaa Meat
4. Coral
5. Scarlet Koi
6. Sernuk Meat
7. Shell
8. Spice Sprouts
9. Sundrop Lily
10. Sweet Leaf
11. Wild Garlic

Tau Friendship and Quests

Next part of everything you need to know about Tau is about the friendship. Through the Friendship level system in Palia, we can make Tau our best friend in Kilima Village! Here is how you can increase the friendship level in Palia. You can earn Friendship points through two different methods. The first method involves starting conversations with any villager, and these conversations refresh every hour in real-time, ensuring you have regular opportunities to engage with the villagers. Alternatively, you can earn friendship points by giving considerate gifts to the residents. It’s important to note that you can give each villager one gift per day in the real world, which helps build your relationship with them. Also, there is what we call a Weekly Wants. This can be identified through talking with the villagers or other villagers. Take note that these refresh every week and it has a time limit. But, It gives a ton of friendship points depending on the item wanted.

Tau Friendship and Quests

Being Friends with a Plumehound is quite an experience, right? You can play fetch with them and pat them all you want! As Tau is the first pet-like villager you can interact with, you do not want to miss out on deepening your relationship with them! 

Since Tau is a villager who has just been added to Palia, we are working on our Friendship level with Tau! We will soon update it to provide a more in-depth guide to his friendship quests! So stay tuned!

Friendship Level 1: Treat Giver

Friendship Level 2: Pat Provider

Friendship Level 3: (soon)

Friendship Level 4: (soon)

Do you appreciate our latest villager addition? It’s quite charming to have formed a friendship with a Plumehound, isn’t it? While Tau may not play a significant role in Palia’s lore or storyline, they make a pleasant addition to the residents of Kilima Village. Perhaps more interactive creatures will be introduced to Palia’s expansive world in the future. Who can predict what’s in store? Only time will reveal that. Does this prospect excite you? That’s all everything you need to know about Tau!

That concludes our comprehensive guide on Everything You Need To Know About Tau!
If you found this guide useful and enjoyable. be sure to explore our website. we invite you to join our Discord Server to connect with fellow enthusiasts of furry companions! We look forward to seeing you there!


Bal Tine

Bal Tine

MMO-Wiki Content Writer and aspiring IT Professional. Coding, Gaming and Video editing is my life!

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