Hidden Quest in Palia: Keyed In

With the recent update. Ver. 0.169, there is a newly added Hidden Quest: Keyed In! Within the expansive realm of Palia. many quests await your discovery. These quests come in various forms. including main storylines, endeavors centered around building friendships and romance with the villagers. and intriguing hidden investigations that reveal the game’s secrets. Yes, Palia is a world teeming with mysteries and enigmas, where you can stumble upon unique items that, when found, unlock these hidden quests and reveal the concealed depths of the game. In this guide, we will show you how to trigger and complete it!

How to Trigger Keyed In Hidden Quest

Keyed In is a type of Hidden Quest that is triggered by picking up and interacting with a specific item.

How to Trigger Keyed In Hidden Quest

Return to your designated plot of land and utilize your hoe to cultivate it. This process may require several attempts, similar to the chance of obtaining various items while tilling the soil. Eventually, you will acquire a Pulsating Key. This will trigger the quest.

Keyed In

Keyed In
Keyed In

This is what Pulsing Key looks like, It said that it is pulsating faster and faster while it is in your possession. Hurry and Finish the Quest!

Keyed In

Go to Jina to immediately ask her about the Weird Object you found in your Home. 

Keyed In

Jina is right at the center of Kilima Village, Interrogate Her about the hidden object.

Keyed In

Jina said that the Key should be taken out of the village.

Keyed In

Jina also mentioned that it’s an explosive device. which is quite alarming. You have a range of options for how you’d react to this revelation. Jina explained that it was an old security device that was employed in the past. If someone attempts to use the key on an already unlocked door, they could inflict harm upon themselves. Additionally, Jina asked you to inquire with the villagers about the previous occupant of your residence, a person named Florencio.

Keyed In

To proceed with the quest. your next objective is to interact with the residents of Kilima Village to gather information about Florencio. the previous dweller of your plot. If you’re worried that speaking with every villager will be time-consuming, I’ve got a workaround for you. You only need to have conversations with Ashura, Elouisa, and Eshe in order to move forward to the next phase.

Dialogue With Eshe

Dialogue With Eshe

It was not Florencio that is stated by Jina, but it is Florentine. Eshe said that Florentine is fond of magic and quite experimental with it. 

Dialogue With Eshe

She also stated that to defuse the bomb or deactivate the key, we need to know the phrase tied to the magic key. 

Dialogue with Elouisa

Dialogue with Elouisa

Elouisa and Florentine were close companions in the realm of magic. She explained that they would embark on journeys of magical exploration and experimentation. often delving into the mystical potential of various objects. Florentine had a unique moniker for the Pulsating Key, which he referred to as the “Unlocking Unstable” key.

Dialogue with Ashura

Dialogue with Ashura

He mentioned that Florentine was quite the accomplished scientist, responsible for inventing numerous magical contraptions during his time residing in your plot. He also shared that Florentine’s first pet, a peculiar place-named creature called a “One-Eyed Sheremy,” used to frolic alongside Zeki’s Palcat. Ashura humorously advised you not to accidentally explode the creature, showcasing his playful sense of humor.

Dialogue with Ashura

Now that you find out who Florentine is, Your Plot`s Prior Resident. Go back to Jina to help her defuse the magical key. 

Keyed In Quest Continuation

Keyed In Quest Continuation

Jina said to defuse the bomb, It needs to input the owner’s first pet. We know it! It is stated by Ashura, that it is One-Eyed Shremy.

Keyed In Quest Continuation

Jina will present you with four distinct options to choose from, and in this case, opt for the “One-Eyed Shremy.” With that choice, we can now consider the quest successfully concluded. Excellent work! This quest is particularly refreshing as it provides a backstory about the previous owner of your plot. As a reward, you’ll receive a decorative item for your home, namely, the Emberborn Hanging Lamp.

Keyed In Quest Continuation

Here’s what the Emberborn Hanging Lamp, the reward for this quest, looks like when you position it. It exudes a warm and snug atmosphere. That concludes our guide for the Hidden Quest: Keyed In! We appreciate you joining us on this adventure. If you found this guide beneficial for your escapades, please explore our website for additional guides, and don’t forget to join our Discord server for more captivating lore stories about Palia from our wonderful community.


Bal Tine

Bal Tine

MMO-Wiki Content Writer and aspiring IT Professional. Coding, Gaming and Video editing is my life!

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