Hidden Quest Palia: Lost Wisdom

Palia is a world filled with enigmas, exotic creatures, peculiar objects, and even concealed treasures – yes, you read that correctly, hidden gems! In this guide, we will unveil one of Palia’s secrets: The Lost Wisdom Quest. However, obtaining these treasures won’t be a walk in the park. To embark on this quest, you’ll need to engage with four dragon statues strategically placed throughout Bahari Bay. But don’t fret; I’ll be here to lead you every step of the way. Are you ready? Let’s embark on this adventure!

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

To start or trigger the quest. Head over to Bahari Bay – The Outskirts. Since The statue is located deep within the Flooded Fortress. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

The starting point is right beside the waypoint of the Bahari Bay – Outskirts. Our destination is encircled on the map. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

To enter the Flooded Fortress. Go straight on this path and pass through the arc. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Go to the encircled part, wherein you can see a broken pillar. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Climb this vine and drop to the right platform.

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Now that you’re in this location, it’s a bit challenging, and timing is crucial. Jump first and then deploy your glider to safely reach the platform ahead.

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

For this part, You need to do the same. Jump and hang onto the vines to climb on the elevated platform. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Use this vine to move side ward and drop off on the platform beside to first regain stamina.

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Now that your stamina is full, Go up and walk slightly to the next platform

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Drop to the ledge below. Be careful and use your glider for precision landing.

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Go down the stairs and turn left then straight ahead until you see an underground staircase. 

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Go down this path. you will find the location to start the quest.

How to start the Lost Wisdom Quest

Interact with the monument and with the 4 candles. The candles will state the below.

Left-back candle – “My wisdom was lost in the ruins”

Left-front candle – “My wisdom was lost in the sea”

Right-back candle – “My wisdom was lost in the stars”

Right-front candle – “My wisdom was lost in the earth”

You might be curious about the significance of this clue. Essentially. it’s a hint indicating the locations of the four dragon statues required to unlock the treasure. Interpreting this hint might require some effort. but don’t worry. my fellow Palian friend; I’m well-acquainted with all four locations. Let’s head to them!

1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

For the first statue, we will locate the Candle that states: Lost in the sea

1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

This is found on the southernmost part of the Bahari Bay. You can use the fast travel and choose Beachcomber Cove for ease. 

1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

Go straight down this sandy path until you see a large log blocking the sand. 

1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

Jump across and vault over this log, and you will see a unique leaf color which is blue-green in tone. The statue is hiding beside it. 

1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom
1st Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The statue states when I interact, “Even when I am lost, the beauty of the waves keeps me company.” That’s our first dragon statue! On to the next one!

2nd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

For the next one, we will decipher the Wisdom lost in ruins.

2nd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

This is the exact location for the 2nd dragon statue. It is within a flooded area. 

2nd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

Proceed straight, and you’ll encounter the statue on your right. It’s quite noticeable as it’s positioned along a well-defined main pathway.

2nd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The Dragon statue is on the right, beside the broken ruins. Inspect it.

2nd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The statue’s inscription states: “If I am lost defending what I love, I shall live on in it forever.” We are halfway through the figures! Keep it up!

3rd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

For the third statue, let’s solve the wisdom that was lost on earth. To start, Fast travel to Bahari – Central Stables.

3rd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The Location of the next statue is quite near the fast travel board.

3rd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

When using the fast travel board, avoid scaling the mountain. Instead, circumnavigate it from the lower ground until you spot the entrance to a mine.

3rd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The statue can be found right as you enter this cave.

3rd Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom

The Statue’s inscription states: “I explore to become lost. In those moments, I find myself again.” Time to finish this quest and interact with the last dragon statue!

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

To locate the last statue, seek out the candle linked to lost wisdom among the stars. Utilize fast travel to reach the Outskirts.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

It is near Tamala`s house and located on the outskirts of Bahari Bay.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

From the travel board. follow the path and straight ahead.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

Ascend this peak, and you’ll come across the fourth Dragon Statue.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

Read about its lore.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

The Statue states: “When I lose myself in the sky. I remember how even small things can make a significant impact.”

collect your reward for completing this quest. return to the area where you previously encountered the candles.

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 
4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

Upon opening the chest, you’ll be granted a decorative item known as the Rose Madder Tile Floor, which will enhance the visual appeal of your home. Pretty fantastic, isn’t it?

4th Dragon Statue of Lost Wisdom 

This reward is a decorative item that. when placed in your home. exudes a delightful floral charm. It’s a testament to your dedication and determination in securing this treasure. That concludes our Hidden Quest: Lost Wisdom Guide. We hope you’ve not only enjoyed this journey but also found our guidance helpful. be sure to explore more guides on our website. feel free to connect with other residents of Palia through our Discord Server.


Bal Tine

Bal Tine

MMO-Wiki Content Writer and aspiring IT Professional. Coding, Gaming and Video editing is my life!

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