lost in the winds recipe scraps in palia featured image

Lost in the Wind Recipe Scraps in Palia

While exploring the world of Palia, you may have come across a random scrap of paper on the floor. This paper, however, is a Recipe Scrap in Palia that starts a quest! It should also be noted that you can trigger this quest by picking ANY of the Recipe Scraps up first. Let’s set out on our adventure to find the rest of the Scraps in the Lost in the Wind quest in the order we found them.

lost in the wind recipe scraps in palia quest tracker

Location of the Recipe Scraps in Palia

Starting in our quest to find the Recipe Scraps, we must first find where the quest starts! First, head out to the Bahari Bay area. Once far enough out north of Statue Garden, you should come across a couple of small housing areas with a campfire outside. On one of the house’s steps, you will find the first Recipe Scrap on top of it! Picking up the scrap will begin the Lost in the Wind quest.

  • lost in the wind recipe scrap location on map
  • lost in the wind first recipe scrap location to start quest

Second Recipe Scrap

lost in the wind recipe scraps in palia map image 2 out of 3

The second Recipe Scrap for the Lost in the Wind quest is located North of the Statue Garden area, on the shore. The scrap will be easy to locate if you look out for a small rock formation on the edge of the shore.

Lost in the Wind 2 out of 3 recipe scrap in palia visual location

Once located, collect and read the Recipe Scrap to continue on and find the final piece!

Third Recipe Scrap

lost in the wind 3 out of 3 recipe scrap in palia map

The third and final piece of the Recipe Scraps in Palia is located just off the shore of Statue Garden. As seen above on the map, the final piece is not too far away from the previous scrap! In the river just off the shore, hop onto the tiny island as shown on the map.

lost in the wind recipe scraps in palia 3 out of 3

Pick up the third and final Recipe Scrap and that’s it! Congratulations on completing the Lost in the Wind quest!

Thank you for checking out our guide for collecting Recipe Scraps in Palia to complete the quest! For more Palia guides, check out the rest of our Palia section here. Hop into our community Discord and join the gang for Palia discussion and more!


Kelvin The Son of the Forest

Kelvin The Son of the Forest

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