Hello Fellow Palian! How was your experience with the newest temple, Temple of Roots? Did you get all of its hidden treasure and get to know its mysterious lore? Alongside this patch, There is a new quest entitled The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia. The Gardener is the giant-sized robot that you have interacted with in the Temple of Roots. Let’s try and ask him what’s up! This quest will be tons of fun since you will be interacting with a new face within Palia. Let`s Start!

The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia – Requirements for the Quest
You must first unlock the Temple of Roots bundle by completing the Temple of Roots quest. This isn’t easy to complete but it will be rewarding once you complete the temple.

Another requirement is to complete this bundle. Once completed, You will unlock the quest.
The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia – Starting the Quest

Talk to Einar once he arrives at your home. He will be right beside your mailbox.

Einar asks you to help him to find a new oneness since Hekla is not available.

Here is the required materials for the Gardener. 1 Kilima Catfish and 1 Cream of Mushroom Soup. Time to cook and fish! I had fun fishing and cooking again since there are no quest that priorities this one.

Once you have sufficient materials. Talk to the Gardener found inside the temple of roots. Head to the temple of roots.

This temple is quite nice since I am fond of a natural aesthetic. This temple is one of my favorites, What`s yours? Once inside the temple, Use the portals to get to the Gardener Faster.

This flowstone gate will take you to the gardener.

The Gardener is happy with your ideas but they are not the right choice. Ask the villagers for more ideas.

Exit the temple, These are the villagers you need to talk to. Hassian, Badruu, Tish, Auni, and Ashura. I had fun going around through the Kilima village to find the specific villagers since I have not been able to talk to them since their friendship levels are maxed out for me.
The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia – Villagers` Idea

Hassian said that a Galdur should pursue hunting since it can`t eat and Hassian is looking for a Hunting Buddy

Badruu said that there is joy in Gardening and Gardener must experience this. I had a hint on what is the Gardener`s oneness, Since his name is garden, Maybe for a Garden? Quite interesting ain’t it.

Tish said that furniture-making never makes her feel sad. In my opinion, Furniture making is not for the gardener since he is huge and could break a whole house!

Auni said that the Gardener must join the Bug Scouts to try out Bug Catching.

Ashura said that wood cutting is never stressful. the gardener must try it. Go back to the temple of roots and report to the Gardener about the new Ideas.
The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia – Gardener

Interact with the gardener and choose the Gardening as his Oneness. The gardener asks you to show what gardening is and you should plant an oak tree to its full size.

You must plant an acorn on your plot. First, To get an acorn, Cut trees using your axe and the acorn will drop on a certain chance. In my case, I got it on my first try! quite lucky.

Plant the acorn anywhere within your plot and you need to water it daily. Check back on it to see if it grows fully. This will take a while since trees grow slower than crops.

The Acorn has become an Oak Tree! Nice Job. Now go back to the gardener and check on his thoughts about gardening.

The Gardener is fascinated because of the oak tree being fully grown. He wants to try gardening. Our hint got the oneness for the gardener right! Gardener to Gardening quite ironic!

You and the gardener have deepened your friendship! Congratulations! That’s all for The Gardener’s New Oneness Quest in Palia! You now have another buddy in farming. Isn’t that nice? You can share your stories and techniques of gardening with the gardener! If you find this guide helpful, check out our website and Discord server for future updates in Palia. See you there!