Hello Palian! As we all know. Temple Quest is a Major Content for the world of Palia. Thus, temples have bundles and they are hard to acquire or find but they are rewarding to do. In the Temple of Roots wherein rootseeker medallions are required. In this guide, We will show where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia.

Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – First Thing to Do

To unlock the bundle, You must first complete the Temple of Roots quest. Then, Go to the Nightsky Temple and access the 0/1 bundle from the stone of the root theme. You can see you need 6 Rootseeker medallions. Let`s find them.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 1st Medallion

The First Medallion is quite easy. It is included as a reward for completing the Temple of Roots. Let`s head to the next one.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 2nd Medallion

Head over to Bahari Bay as the last 5 medallions is at Bahari Bay.
Head over to Pavel Mines and Enter the specific entrance located by the waypoint marker. Go straight until you see a junction.

Drop down from this platform and look to the pond of water.

Carefully descend from the platform and look under and you will see a chest. It contains the 2nd medallion.

Once looted, Let`s make our way to the third Medallion.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 3rd Medallion

For the 3rd Medallion. Enter the flooded fortress and make your way near the waypoint marker.

Go left and straight until the marker is near. It is on the middle pillar from afar.

As you can see, It is on the middle pillar. Climb the vines on your left to open it. Then you will need to conserve stamina as you will jump on the ledge.

That is the 3rd Medallion Chest. Use a glider to access it and let`s head on to the next one.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 4th Medallion

Head to the thorny thicket for the 4th medallion. It is inside a cave.

The 4th Medallion is inside the cave. Look around as there could be Palium Nodes around. It is quite a little bonus for your effort so far.

Loot the box and head over to the 5th medallion. Be sure to check all the nodes as some might contain pricey valuables.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 5th Medallion

The location for the 5th medallion is on the eastern side of the map between coral shores and lighthouse lagoon. Head over to the area.

You will see a broken pillar. Go to the left side of it and find a seaweed. The chest is hidden in the seaweed. be careful as you may slip and drown in the sea.

The seaweed hides the chest but nothing can be camouflaged with your eyes. Good job. Loot it. Let`s head to the last medallion.
Where to find all Rootseeker medallions in Palia – 6th Medallion

Head to this side of the lighthouse for the last medallion. It is quite near than the distance of the last medallions.

From the stairs. There is a small tree and a small elevated rock. Climb it. It is quite hard to spot since it is camouflaged.

Claim the last medallion. Now you have 6 medallions. Time to contribute it to the Nightsky temple.

Contribute all 6 Rootseeker medallions. That`s it for this quest! I hope we have guided you well! If you have any other questions or opinions. Join our Discord for the ride! Also, check our Website for other guides on future updates about Palia! Well done!