3 Easy Key Reminders – Universal Hall Guide

Universal Hall Guide

What is the Universal Hall?

You may think that it’s the album by the Waterboys, but it’s not the Universal Hall Guide you’re searching for. The Universal Hall is a single-player challenge with adjustable difficulty that can be finished as many times as desired. When you click or tap the Universal Hall, it will show your current status in the game like your round points, best record, your ranking and the gameplay rewards that you can redeem later on after you have finished it. Scroll down for more easy Universal Hall Guide.

Universal Hall Difficulties

Universal Hall Difficulties

Do you want more Universal Hall Guide? Let’s go! Each task must begin with the difficulty being chosen. Five difficulties will progressively become available. There are 5 levels in each difficulty that must be completed. You will gain points in the challenge if you have cleared it. Those points will be used to choose affixes. Boss Affix must be selected for the challenge. The Boss affix will give the boss additional abilities.

Last but not the least, depending on your strength, you may decide to add more Universal Affixes. There will be more incentives given the harder the difficulty is. You can check the points you can get for completing a challenge here after choosing The Affix. In the Universal Shop, points can be redeemed for rare goods.

For more Universal Hall Guide, scroll down below!

Universal Hall Walkthrough

Universal Hall Walkthrough

In this part, Universal Hall Guide will be mainly discussed. You require skill in this situation to cast the spell’s removal. You can tap it right now to battle the boss in the game itself after selecting your skills. Keep an eye on how much time is remaining in your challenge. It is situated on the game’s right side. You must utilize your Teleportation Circle if the boss uses the Diffusion Shockwave.

Additionally, all skills have cooldowns, so it’s best to be aware of them. If the boss uses his Flame Strike with a 2.5-second attack delay, you need to get out of the attack pattern that he will be doing. His Water Pillar attack also has a 2.5-second attack delay. While you are in the hall, you need to collect Soul Fragments that are marked as a small white circle on the ground. You will need to interrupt the Element Fusion spell of the boss which has 2.0-second attack delay with your skill so that you will not receive tremendous damage. Slide down for more Universal Hall Guide.

Floor 1 Cleared

If you defeat the 1st boss, it will prompt that it is “Cleared” and you will have to choose between exiting the challenge or resuming it. If you choose “Resume Challenge”, you can click the Floor 1 so you can receive its rewards which contains a card and a Common Gem Package. Tap to use that package. Choose Floor 2 to start the next challenge. Before starting the next challenge, you will have to choose the Boss Affix and Universal Affixes again.

Beware that the skills of the boss are doubled now depending on what affix you have chosen. For example, the Flame Strike only has 1 attack pattern. As you progress the floors, it will multiply depending on what Boss affix that you will choose.

Repair Equipment's Durability

In the game, you will need to repair your equipment’s durability if it is too low and it will cost you 102 silver coins. And that is pretty much of the Universal Hall Guide! You will just need to be aware of your points for your affixes, the attack patterns of the game boss, and your skill cooldowns.

We are very much thrilled about the development of Tarisland and its many features! In the meantime, you can check other MMOs that we are discussing.


Odocerato MMO

Odocerato MMO

A variety streamer and content writer for MMO-Wiki. 💜 Catch me live at twitch.tv/odocerato! 🥳

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