Tarisland Flame Mage Build Guide

Tarisland Flame Mage Build – Complete Guide

Tarisland has quite the arsenal of classes ranging from Tank to Support and Damage. This guide will focus on the explosive flame-wielding mage class.

Before choosing a class in the game or getting acquainted with the Mage class and their respective specializations, players can use this guide to see what class suits their playstyles.

Let’s dive into all you need to know about the Tarisland Flame Mage Build, scroll down for our guide!

Tarisland Flame Mage Build Guide

Mage Specializations

You have a choice between two specializations in this class. Each specialization has its own set of special abilities that players can easily swap between.

In Tarisland, there are only two characters who can produce Pure Ranged-Damage independent of their specialization—the other is the Ranger.

Ingame description: Frost left, flame right, arcane glow eternal, I control all order.

Tarisland Flame Mage

The Tarisland Flame Mage specializes in crit DMG by dealing high amounts of Burst DMG at the cost of your mobility with the “Skyfire” build. But switching over to the “Fireball” build would allow for more flexible positioning of the players. Players could easily defeat enemies with explosive power through their burst DMG.


Here is the List of Skills for Tarisland Flame Mage.

Explosive Fuse

Explosive Fuse

Every time you cast Thermal Bomb, the target will be ignited and a bomb on them will be detonated in 5.5sec. Meanwhile, every time your Damage Skills deals DMG to any target, you will; obtain 1, up to a max Heat of 50. When Thermal Bomb is detonated, all Heat will be cleared, and every point of Heat will increase the DMG of the explosion by 100%.

Aura of specialization: Grant your Group bonus aura of 6 that increases Main attributes by 25 vitality during a raid.


Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
16mInstant700secLaunch a Fireball at the target, dealing Magic DMG equal to 86%* of your ATK+ 153*.
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level

Searing Sting

Searing Sting
Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
16mInstant707secDetonate Pyro Elements stored in the target and deal Magic DMG equal to 101%* of your ATK+ 176*. It also applies  20%* Crit Rate.
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level

Thermal Bomb

Thermal Bomb
Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
16mInstant7015secIgnite the target with Pyro Elements, inflicting Magic DMG equal to 5.5%* of your ATK+43* on the target every second. The effect lasts for 74*secs. When the effect ends, it will cause an explosion, dealing Magic DMG equal to 18%* of your ATK+83* to the target. The higher the Heat, the greater the DMG.
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level

Blazing Orb

Blazing Orb
Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
16mInstant7015secGenerate a Blazing Orb at the targeted place that explodes after 2.5*sec, dealing to enemies within 4*m Magic DMG of 101*% of your ATK+176*

The Crit rate of the skill is 100%.
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level

Fire Tornado

Fire Tornado
Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
16m1.5sec1405secAfter chanting for 1.5*sec, you will summon a Fire Tornado on the targeted area, dealing Magic DMG of 85*% of your ATK+148* to enemies in the range.
Every time the skill hits the target, its cooldown will be reduced by 1*sec.
This skill can be cast in movement (will only be interrupted by a jump).
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level

Flame Amplification

Flame Amplification
Cast RangeCast TimeCost MPCooldownEffect
2mInstant7060secTrigger the flame power to boost your Crit rate by 8*% Crit DMG by 10*%, and ATK by 10*. The effect lasts for 74*sec.
TAKE NOTE THAT, *= scaling per level


The ultimates for each mage specialization have some differences from each other but for the Tarisland Flame mage, it creates a variation with their given element as focus.

Flame Mage Ultimates

Dimensional Movement

Flash to a designated direction for 16m.

CooldownCast RangeCast TimeEffect

Pyro Shield

Get a flame shield that negates DMG 20%* of your max HP, and lasts for 30*sec.

CooldownCast RangeEffect

Body of Flame

You will be covered by flames, reducing the DMG you take by 80% and the DMG you deal by 50%. The effects will last for 8sec.

CooldownCast RangeEffect
60sec2mDamage Reduction

Flame Shock

Launch a flame wave to make enemies within 4m Knockback.
Distance: 8m

CooldownCast RangeEffect

Spell Interference

Interrupt Target’s special casting.

Some Boss skills can’t be Interrupted

CooldownCast RangeEffect

Spell Restraint

Chant for 2secs and make the target confined for 15sec.
Chance of DMG negation: 100%
The ultimate can’t be cast while moving (jump or move)

CooldownCast RangeEffect
Flame Mage recommendations

Build Recommendations

Fireball Build

Enhance Fireball. It does less DMG per skill but with more flexibility. It allows mobile spell-casting to respond to various situations. Suitable for battles that require frequent position-shifting.

Burn Out

Burn out

Upon hitting the target, Fireball enables you to deal 8%* more DMG to the target it hit for 0.4sec. This effect stacks up to 3* times.

Charged Fireballs

Charged Fireball

When Fireball fails to Crit., the next Fireball is 3%* more likely to Crit., stacking up to 5* times until it’s ready.

Enhanced Fireball

Enhanced Fireball

Fireball deals 2.5*% more base DMG. Deal 25%* more DMG to targets with an HP lower than 2.5%

Build Breakdown

Burn Out = Target DMG BonusCharged Fireball = Increased CritEnhanced Fireball = DMG Bonus & Target HP DMG Bonus

Skyfire Build

Switch Fireball to Skyfire, and sacrifice flexibility for high single-shot DMG. It cannot be cast while moving but has high single-shot DMG and instant burst.

Heat Catalysis

Heat Catalysis

After Thermal Bomb is cast, the next Skyfire has a 33%* chance to become an instant cast of Skyfire.

Immovable Flame

Immovable Flame

When stationary, your crit Rate and Crit DMG are increased by 2%* every 0.5*sec, stackable up to 3* times.
This effect is removed when you move or just jump.

Enhanced Skyfire

Enhanced Fireball

Skyfire deals 3%* more direct base DMG and 3%* more DMG over time

Build Breakdown

Heat Catalysis = Target HP Crit Rate BonusImmovable Flame = Standing still increases Crit. Rate and Crit. DMGEnhanced Skyfire = Increase DMG & Crit.
Taris Land Flame Mage skill


The Tarisland Flame Mage can be a little more difficult to consistently deal DMG because of their relative immobility in combat, but being a Ranged-Damage class, Staying at a safe distance, and kiting the enemies would help on eliminating them.

Defeating enemies and bosses will get considerably simpler as you level up as a Tarisland Flame Mage. Players obtain equipment and crafting materials as rewards from dungeons and world creatures, which they can use to improve their characters’ stats.


The Tarisland Flame mage is a powerful combo-based ranged attacker, after figuring out how to get by their relative immobility, Mage players would be a great asset in boss fights with their teammates or just easily exploring the world and fighting mobs.

After Conquering enemies with this Tarisland Flame Mage guide why not check out our Tarisland Frost mage build guide? For more updates on Tarisland and other games go ahead and check out our page MMO Wiki and feel free to join us in our community discord!




Twitch Streamer and Content Creator for MMO-Wiki, Soon to be Living in a Van Full Time, Travelling the world with his Family! https://www.twitch.tv/dannehtv

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