Complete Guide to Hunting in Palia
As you embark on your journey in Palia, you will be able to utilize eight core skills that are essential to your progress. These skills overlap and complement each other, providing you with the tools you need to succeed. If you’re an adventurous thrill-seeker interested in hunting, we offer a complete guide to hunting in Palia.

What to Hunt in Palia
As you venture through the various regions of Palia, you may come across a range of creatures that can be hunted in the wild. While some of these creatures may appear cute and harmless, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers, such as the Chapaa. Despite their small size, Chapaa can be quite troublesome in Palia, known to steal important items and cause chaos throughout the land. However, hunting these creatures can provide you with valuable fur and delectable meat to use in your cooking endeavors.
As you travel through Palia, you are likely to encounter the Sernuk, a large creature with valuable resources. Hunting the Sernuk can give you hide, horns, and meat. You can use the hide for various things including crafting the glider. The horns are popular among Kilima furniture making.

How to Get Tools for Hunting
To hunt in the wilderness, it’s important to have the right tools and know which creatures to look out for. The Bow is a great tool to have on hand. Before setting out, it’s recommended to visit Hassian and his loyal dog, Tau. They will provide an introduction and help prepare you for the hunt.

Where to Find Hassian and Tau
In Palia, Hassian is the skilled Hunter and Tracker who is always accompanied by his faithful dog, Tau. They both warmly welcome newcomers to the world of hunting. Hassian can usually be found in the wild, pursuing his prey. To obtain valuable starting equipment, be sure to consult your map and locate his whereabouts.

How to Level Hunting in Palia
Once you have completed the Introduction quest, you are now able to put it to the test by hunting the Palian wildlife and collecting valuable resources. Every time you use a hunting skill you will earn points to level up that individual skill. Make sure you return to Hassian and Tau frequently to see if you can upgrade your Bow and arrow.

Hunting Rewards with Hassian
When you’re hunting in Palia, Hassian might ask you to complete quests to test your skills. If you do well, you’ll earn hunting coins as a reward. You can use these coins to buy better gear from Hassian’s store, like a hunting horn to help you find rare creatures.
Overlapping Skills
When choosing from the eight core skills available, there may be some that overlap. For example, if you want to enhance your bow, you may require higher-tier items, some of which may be obtained through the Foraging skill, while others may be obtained through the Mining Skill. Be sure to refer to our comprehensive guide to all the skills in Palia for more information.
Meats may be used to improve your cooking skills and cook delicious meals, whilst the fur can be refined using the loom.

Using the Loom
After collecting sufficient resources, return to your home and build a loom. The loom is essential for producing fabric and leather, both of which have significant applications in Palia, such as enhancing equipment or constructing the Glider. Each recipe has a designated crafting duration, which allows you to venture into the wilderness for further hunting.
Make sure to return to the loom to collect the items you have crafted to potentially upgrade current items.
If you’re looking to develop more skills during your Palia adventures, we’ve got a complete guide to all available skills. We hope you enjoyed our guide to hunting in Palia! Want to be the first to know about our released content? Join our official discord server and stop by to say hi!