Sifuu is a fearsome yet friendly villager in the world of Palia. She is also known as the blacksmith of the village. She can turn anything you’ve mined into weapons, tools, equipment, and more!

Sifuu’s Schedule
Time | Location |
4:00 am | Goes to ruins located southwest of Kilima Village. |
10:00 am | Goes to the Blacksmith. |
4:00 pm | Eats Dinner at Tavern. |
12:00 am | Walks home to sleep. |
Sifuu’s Map Location
Sifuu can often be found in her blacksmith shop, located in the middle of Kilima Village. Sifuu enjoys a little drink after her long days in the smithy; hence, she can sometimes be found in the local tavern, just next to her shop. During the night, Sifuu stays at her quarters on Chapaa Crossing, which is located on the top right side of Kilima. Other than this, Sifuu can sometimes be found wandering around the village of Kilima, and she can sometimes be spotted in the ruins just below Kilima village

Sifuu’s quests mainly revolve around her life. Nonetheless, she was once a famous monster hunter in her heyday.
- Home for Dinner
- An Adventurous Memoir
- Hunting for Meaning
- Memoir Blues
Friendship and Romance
All the villagers in Palia can earn friendship points in one of two ways. Interacting with the characters once each Palian day is the first way to earn friendship points. Per hour of local time, a Palian day begins over; thus, you can chat with the locals once per hour to get points. The second option is to give gifts to the villagers once a day in the real world. Each villager also has a weekly wish list of unique items that, when granted, will give you bonus points.
You may learn what the villages’ weekly needs are by speaking with the villagers personally or through their acquaintances. Once you have found these items, they will appear in the friendship user interface’s weekly wishes area.

After reaching a specific friendship level with villagers. you will be rewarded with different items for completing their quests.
Complete Friendship Guide
Level 2 Friendship Quest (An Adventure Memoir)

Once you’ve initiated and presented Sifuu with sufficient gifts to attain the second level of friendship, engage in a conversation with her. Sifuu will then invite you to her home, requesting your thoughts after reading her book.
Location of Sifuu`s Home

Sifuu`s Home is located in Chapaa Crossing, since she is fond of hunting and creating hunting books. Enter her home.

The Book is found on this table. Read the book that has 5 pages. Return to Sifuu. Once you have said your thoughts on it, wait for Sifuu to update you as she said she will revise it.

Sifuu will send you a mail regarding her book. Sifuu asked you to gather opinions from the villagers on what makes a book great.
Information regarding the thoughts of every villager about a great book
Take note that you only need to ask 3 villagers about the book. After that, go back to report it to Sifuu.
Oh man. I love reading. but only when the book has a good adventure set in a far-off place. Who wants to read about boring people just hanging out at home. I’ll tell you who, my mom. She only reads mysteries set in small villages.
In my eye, the best books are those that you learn something from.
If you’ve reached the last page of a book and haven’t gleaned any new insight from it, did you actually read it at all?
Twists and turns. Even better if the characters end up having feelings for one another.
the greatest wizard. words can get my attention.
Personally. I like learning something from reading. just a new view.
I can’t get into something if there’s not any action.
I guess ones that make you feel something.
I can only follow a book if there are good relationships. In particular. I’m a sucker for romance, but I like stories about friends and family too.

Sifuu expresses her gratitude for your help. She stated that she now can edit her memoir and make it great for readers! Good Job with this quest, You will be granted 10 Iron Bars, 30 Copper Ore, and 20 renown. Also, improved partnership with Sifuu.
Level 3 Friendship Quest (Hunting for Meaning)

Sifuu said that she needs inspiration for her book. She asks you to hunt a Proudhorned Sernuk and tell her about the experience.
Where to find a Proudhorned Sernuk

The Proudhorned Sernuk. a rare Sernuk variant located in Bahari Bay, poses a challenging hunt due to its magical abilities, including teleportation. This species is typically present in regions where both Elder Sernuk and Normal Sernuk can be found, with nighttime being the preferred spawning period.

The Proudhorned Sernuk would look like this. It has a white skin tone and a large horn with a magical mark on its body. Use a slowdown arrow to kill it fast. Go back to Sifuu to tell her about your adventure.

Sifuu is fascinated by your stories, and she stated that she will use them as an inspiration for the improvement of her book. Job Compelete! You will be receiving 25 renowned, Sifuu’s keys through your mail, and 7 Palium Bars! Also, Sifuu and your relationship will be increased. All efforts paid off!
Level 4 Friendship Quest (Memoir Blues)

Your relationship with Sifuu is now at max level, or she sees you as her Fierce Friend. Alongside, It triggers the 4th Friendship Quest.

Talk to Sifuu and she will state that she is quite depressed since Hassian did not like her book. Get close to Hassian and ask him about the book.

The reason Hassian was mad about the book was because Sifuu lied about her momma just to make her adventures more exciting. Tell this to Sifuu.
Sifuu said that she needed to do it and made a few adjustments. Sifuu asks you to repair Hassian`s Momma or Taylin`s old bow. Since back in the day, Hassian has liked this bow. Sifuu will make this repair a peace offering to Hassian.
Required Items
5 Flow-Infused Plank
10 Silk Threads
The Flow-Infused plank is made through Flow-Infused Wood sourced from flow trees. The Silk Thread is dropped when you catch bugs. Give these materials to Sifuu when gathered.

Good Job! Sifuu is happy with your help. As a token of appreciation, She will give you 90 renown and 1 Sword Display. Nicely done!
What can you do with the Blacksmith?
Tools are essential in Palia, as they play a crucial role, especially during quests for villagers, gathering resources, and more. Consequently, the durability of each tool weakens with use. This is where the blacksmith’s shop comes into play; it allows you to repair each tool, maximizing its utility. If you want to learn more about the tools in Palia, click here!

Keep in mind that the Makeshift versions of the tools have unlimited durability and won’t break. once you obtain the other versions or variants of the tools. a durability bar will appear, and these versions will require repairs to prolong their usage. You can repair your tools using either the Repair Kit or Gold Coins. If you want to learn more about how to repair your tools, we have a guide that would help you fix your problem!

Blacksmith’s Store
Sifuu sells a variety of materials needed for building or crafting different tools.
Items | Name | Cost |
![]() | Heartwood Plank | Cost: 8 Gold Coins Value: 1 Gold Coins |
![]() | Sapwood Plank | Cost: 4 Gold Coins Value: 1 Gold Coins |
![]() | Copper Bar | Cost: 80 Gold Coins Value: 21 Gold Coins |
![]() | Iron Bar | Cost: 170 Gold Coins Value: 43 Gold Coins |
![]() | Ceramic | Cost: 20 Gold Coins Value: 6 Gold Coins |
![]() | Stone Brick | Cost: 10 Gold Coins Value: 3 Gold Coins |
![]() | Glass Pane | Cost: 50 Gold Coins Value: 13 Gold Coins |
![]() | Glass Bulb | Cost: 140 Gold Coins Value: 34 Gold Coins |
![]() | Work Table | Cost: 200 Gold Coins Value: Item Cannot Be Sold |
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