Once you’ve advanced further into the world of Palia, you will start leveling up your skills, such as Hunting and Fishing and Mining. We have put together a Guide on how to repair your tools in Palia, for those who wish not to lose their best tools!

Leveling up your Tools
Firstly, you will not need to worry about repairing your tools until you start purchasing the recipe for the “Standard” tools. This will be when you get that individual skill to level 3. Once you begin your life in Palia, you will start with make-shift tools which are given to you.
But once you reach level 3 on that skill, you can go to the store and purchase an upgrade! Which, of course, has huge benefits. For instance, the Standard Axe deals more damage to trees and bushes, so you can cut bigger trees.

Craft your new tool such as an axe and start cutting away, you will notice at the bottom of your screen your weapon has a yellow circle around it, which starts to deplenish each time you hit a tree, this is the tool losing durability.
Please beware – Do not let the durability hit zero. Failing to do so will cause the tool to be destroyed and you will be given the Make-Shift tool again.

How to Repair Your Tools in Palia
Once you have got yourself new tools and the durability is running low, you may be wondering where and how do i repair my tools?
There are several ways on how to repair your tools, but first we recommend making some repair kits and keeping them in your inventory. They will be in your crafting station.

After creating repair kits, the next task you should do is achieve level 4 in Mining, then speak to Hodari.
You will then be able to purchase and craft a Repair Station at your home. This will save you making long distance travels to the town to repair your items.
If you are unable to craft the repair station or already in the town, you can head towards the Blacksmithing store which is located in Kilima, and as you see in the photos below, you choose between repairing your tools at the cost of gold or with the repair kits.

There is also another location in Bahari Bay Stables. You can fast travel to this location or, if you are in the area, just head towards there, and you will see the big anvil, where you can repair your tools.

We hope you liked our “How to Repair Your Tools in Palia” Guide. If you wish to check out more of our guides for Palia then why not check out our “complete guide to Focus in Palia“.