Are you having a hard time finding Kenlis Lost Sandwich? Well, as fans of a good sandwich, we used our Sandwich sniffing senses to locate the Sandwich!! Please note, this guide contains spoilers…

What is Kenlis Lost Sandwich?
This is part of a relatively early-game quest that you will acquire after speaking with Kenli a few times. A great part of the game is the fact they are little to no clues about where to find some of the items, it makes it quite fun! However, after a long enough period of trying to find the Sandwich, it can get a bit annoying, well fear not! We have found the sandwich!
Where is Kenlis Lost Sandwich?
The Sandwich is actually quite close to where you first entered Palia, right next to Pheonix Falls. It can be found on the bench under the circular pagoda.

That’s it, it’s as simple as that. If you found this Guide helpful, think about taking a look at our other Palia News and Guides.
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