Where To Find Garlic In Palia

Garlic is needed in quite a few recipes in Palia and in this short guide, we aim to help you find it!

find garlic in palia - wild garlic

How to find Garlic in Palia: Zeki’s General Store

There are two ways to get Garlic in Palia with the first way picking it up in the wild fields and the second way is by purchasing it from Zekis store. Just incase you didn’t know, you can access the store by pressing F on the cash register.

Where To Find Garlic In Palia

How to find Garlic in Palia: Forage in the fields

As part of the foraging skill, players can go out into the wild in search of various herbs and spices for their cooking prowess. Players can find many resources such as the Heatroot, Morrel Mushroom, and even the ever-abundant Sundrop Lily through foraging. Still, none is as special as the Garlic or Wild Garlic that needs a bit more “specifics” to be found and foraged!

The Wild Garlic in Palia is an uncommon gatherable and only spawns in the wild at a specific time and location. Garlic is indeed gatherable aside from buying! So, if you don’t want to spend your gold, just go into the wild and pick one out! Usually, Wild Garlic spawns at around 6:00 p.m. and is found in the field right outside the player housing area or any other open space. Once found, it is quite difficult or rare to find another close by. Usually, players find only one Wild Garlic.

It’s much easier to look around in an open area to spot the leaves and the nice glow of gatherables. However, keep in mind that you HAVE to follow the spawn times, or else this veggie will poof away and you’ll have to wait til the next day!

  • 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. is the best time to look for the Wild Garlic in Palia before it starts to despawn around your area. One of the best locations to look for Wild Garlic is marked on the map below!

It is much easier to find Wild Garlic in Palia in these following areas since they are close to the main village where you’ll be able to sell them and it is also a hop away from the housing area so you can pick one up and run to your base to cook up delicious meals! Wild Garlic in Palia also spawns on top of hills and rock structures so best be on the lookout and prep your grip to climb up the hills!

We hope you enjoyed our complete guide to finding Garlic in Palia! For more related content such as Butter and Cooking Oil, stop by our official Palia Homepage. Want to be the first one to know about new releases, news, and other game guides? Join our official discord channel and say hi to your fellow avid Palians! Until next time we wish you luck in your culinary endeavors!




MMO Wiki Writer, aspiring animator, character designer, artist, bikergirl, and a workaholic!

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