Guide to Your Ships Cargo Bay in Starfield

Here is the complete guide to Starfield’s cargo bay for space exploration ships. We will tackle the complexities of cargo space management in this extensive tutorial, helping you to optimize your loadout for space travel, commerce, and survival. Whether you are a novice space traveler or a seasoned intergalactic traveler, knowing how to use and maximize your ship’s cargo hold is crucial to success. Come along as we explore the key tactics, advice, and techniques for maximizing this crucial part of your space travel experience in Starfield.

Starfield in game Ships

What is a Cargo Bay in Starfield?

Imagine the cargo bay of the Starfield spacecraft as your car’s trunk but in space. It’s where you store all the supplies you get during your travels, the special storage section of your spaceship. Similar to your treasure chest, this cargo compartment is filled with priceless goods, supplies, and machinery that you may sell, trade, or utilize to increase the value of your voyage and the adaptability of your ship. Your success as a space explorer in the game depends on how effectively you manage and arrange it. Thus, consider it as your private space vault, as the contents therein can have a profound impact on the cosmos.

Starfield in game appearance of Cargo

How to Access Your Ship’s Cargo Bay?

The most convenient method for reaching your ship’s storage in Starfield involves opening your inventory while aboard your ship and switching to the ship’s cargo section. On PC, it can be done by pressing “Q,” while on consoles, you can use the LB button. Additionally, depending on your ship’s design, you may be able to access its inventory via a panel, such as the one located on the left side of the Frontier. You also have the option to inspect your cargo bay inventory, although you may not be able to add or remove items from it unless you’re nearby. To do so, choose the “cargo hold” option from your ship’s menu.

Cargo Bay on the Frontier Ship

You can opt to sell goods straight from your cargo hold when transacting with a vendor close to your ship. Simply start the deal, then hit “Q” or “LB” once again. These buttons give an easy way to dump a large amount of treasure by allowing you to move between purchasing, selling, and selling straight from your ship’s inventory.

The Frontier, your first default spacecraft, has a 450-kilogram storage capacity. It means you may use it to stash away extra armor for your allies, hold onto weapons for later, or stockpile all the cups and snacks you’ve picked up along the way. Remember that you can always expand your spacecraft to have more storage in the future, so you shouldn’t be too concerned if the Frontier feels a little cramped.

Starfield's Frontier Ship

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How to Increase Your Cargo Bay Storage?

Imagine that after an amazing cosmic adventure packed with riches and life-changing experiences, your ship’s storage is now full. However, be at ease! Ship customization is a great service offered by Starfield. It’s similar to adding more rooms to your spaceship! These are several methods for expanding the cargo bay capacity on your ship.

Starfield Ship Customization

Acquire Additional Cargo Compartments

Your best bet for storage needs in Starfield is a cargo hold. Consider them as spacious add-ons for your vessel. Do you need additional space? Simply purchase an extra Cargo Hold and attach it. Your storage capacity increases with the number of holds you combine. But proceed with caution—overloading your ship could affect how well it performs. It all comes down to striking that careful balance.

Starfield Cargo Bay Customization

Obtain Shielded Cargo Compartments

If you’re someone drawn to the intrigue of the unknown and the slightly shady, Shielded Cargo Holds are a must-have in Starfield. They offer not only extra storage but are also custom-made for smuggling contraband. With these, you can discreetly bypass most security checks and engage in transactions involving goods that might not be well-received in the more lawful corners of the galaxy. Plus, dabbling in some off-the-books trading can be quite a lucrative endeavor.

Starfield Shielded Cargo Hold

Acquiring Different Modules

The ship customization system in Starfield is remarkably flexible, offering a diverse range of choices. If you’re aiming to boost the number of storage slots in the Frontier, you can achieve this by extending the ship with an additional habitat module and constructing around it. An illustration of this is the Cockpit Module. Typically, these upgrades augment cargo capacity by 200-260 pounds each, although it’s essential to keep in mind that a single cockpit installation is permissible per ship.

Starfield Cockpit Module

How to Add Storage to Your Ship?

To upgrade your ship’s storage capacity in Starfield, speak with the Ship Technician stationed at the landing pad of any significant settlement. Express your desire to inspect and upgrade your ship, then navigate to the Ship Builder section.

Starfield Ship Technician


To sum up, mastering Starfield’s cargo bay management is essential to having a great gameplay experience. You’ve now covered the fundamentals of ship storage, how to increase your cargo capacity, and the fascinating world of protected cargo holds. Whether you’re an experienced space traveler or you’re just getting started, managing your cargo is essential to succeeding in the game. Use this information, therefore, to enhance the pleasure of your space travels as you explore the Starfield cosmos.

If you want to learn more about the game, check out our Complete Guide to Starfield! If you found this guide helpful, let us know in our community’s discord. Check out more guides for Starfield on our Homepage MMO-Wiki.


Hikari MMO

Hikari MMO

Content Writer for MMO-Wiki, "To Make Something Special, You Just Believe It's Special", TMTA

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