Justice Paladin Leveling Build; your go-to guide for easy leveling
Paladin Class: Harness the Strength of a Justice Paladin in Tarisland
The Paladin is a support class with two unique specializations: Justice and Guardian. In the role of a melee DPS, the Justice specialization inflicts devastating blows on opponents, while the Guardian specialization allows players to embrace the role of a selfless melee tank, leading their group through challenging situations. This class, known as the Tarisland holy warrior, embodies virtues, faith, and unwavering commitment to justice.
Paladins possess expertise in both offense and defense, donning heavy armor and wielding formidable swords or hammers. As a Paladin player, you have the option to choose between the Damage-Melee or Tank-Melee role and specialize in Justice or Guardian. The Guardian specialization, in particular, distinguishes Paladins as the premier tanks in Tarisland, as they excel at absorbing incoming damage in raids and dungeons, but we are not here to talk about that, we are here to provide you the Justice Paladin LBuild.
The Best Justice Paladin Leveling Build
Brace yourself, because I’ve got some exciting news for you. Feast your eyes upon one of the most sought-after builds in existence today! This absolute gem stands tall as a shining example, making it the ultimate go-to choice for epic raids and thrilling PvE adventures. Trust me, this Justice Paladin Build is a game-changer, and you won’t want to miss out on all the action it brings!

This guide offers more than just mechanics and theory, the Justice Paladin Build instills in you the indomitable spirit of a conqueror. It empowers you to embody the essence of justice, inspiring awe and admiration in your allies and striking fear into the hearts of your adversaries. With unwavering dedication and the perfect blend of offense and defense, the Justice Paladin Leveling Build will become an unstoppable force, leaving all who oppose you trembling in defeat.
Best Justice Paladin Leveling Build
- Lv.5/5 – Hammer of Glory (Glory Strike has a 7.5% chance of instantly refreshing the cooldown for Justice Thump and making the next Justice thump ignore the target’s HP limit and directly deal double DMG)
- Lv.1/1 – Power of Justice (Justice Thump can now recharge 2 times. Upon triggering Hammer of Glory, instead of refreshing the cooldown, it grants 1 stack(s) of recharge for Justice Thump.)
- Lv.2/2 – Echo (When you consume any [Judgement] Enhancement Status, there is a 20% chance to grant you tier 1 [Power of Glory])
- Lv.3/3 – Eternal Glory (Earthquake has a 100% chance of instantly getting 1 random Glory Judgement enhancement effect(s) (prioritizing the effects that you don’t have yet))
- Lv.1/1 – Judgement Sword (This skill will replace Judgement Strike)
- Lv.3/3 – Dogma (Every 4 times you cast Glory Strike, you are 45% more likely to Crit.)
- Lv.3/3 – Razor-Sharp (Upon impact, Judgement Sword has a 18% chance of instantly returning a recharge and making the next same skill 45% more DMG)
- Lv.3/3 – Enh Glory Strike (Glory Strike deals 5.1% more base DMG and increase your Speed-up bonus by 3% for 6 second(s). This effect can stack up to 3 times.
- Lv.3/3 – Enh Justice Thump
- Lv. 2/2 – Execution (If the target is taking DMG over time from your Judgement Sword that’s been enhanced by Judgement Verdict, all your skills deal 50% more Crit. DMG to that target)
- Lv.2/2 – Aftershock (When Glory Strikes Crit. hits, there is a 100% chance to reduce the remaining cooldown of Earthquake by 4 second(s))
- Lv.3/3 – Enh Judgement Sword (Judgement Sword deals 9% more DMG. when enhanced by Judgement Verdict, it deals 51% more DMG to the target)
- Lv.2/3 – Double Knight (During a battle, every time you successfully trigger two different [Judgment] Enhancement effects, your skill will have the Crit. Rate increased by 18%. When you Successfully trigger the same [Judgment] Enhancement effect consecutively, the DMG of your next skill will be increased by 10%)
- Lv.2/2 – Enh Trial of Rage (Trial of Rage lasts 2 second(s) longer, and its base cooldown is redduced by 20 second(s))
- Lv.2/2 – Expedition (While Trial of Rage is active, every time you cast a damage skill, your Crit. rate and Speed-up are increased by 2.5%. This effect can stack infinitely until Trial of Rage Expires)

With the Best Justice Paladin Leveling Build by your side, you’ll soar above every obstacle, embrace its wisdom, ignite your divine wrath, and watch in awe as you conquer foes like a hot knife through butter. May this Justice Paladin Leveling Build guide your every step, illuminating the path before you. Trust in your abilities, for you are chosen, destined to unleash a storm of righteousness upon the realm. Rise, noble champion, for Tarisland eagerly anticipates the arrival of its most revered defender. Together, we shall witness the triumph of justice!
Now, brave Paladin, embrace your destiny, ignite your holy fury, and let Tarisland witness your unparalleled might. Unleash your righteous wrath; the realm awaits your heroics with bated breath, may this Best Justice Paladin Leveling Build guide you to victory. Now, the stage is set, and the world is ready—step forth and etch your name into the annals of Paladin glory!
Learn more about Tarisland
After learning the Best Justice Paladin Leveling Build, you now need to expand your artillery. In the immersive world of Tarisland, other classes and attributes hold the key to shaping your gameplay experience. Each playable character brings a unique set of talents and responsibilities, adding depth and excitement to your journey. As you venture into challenging dungeons and raids, where teamwork and strategy are paramount, the diverse array of 7 Tarisland classes becomes crucial. Let’s explore these classes and the extraordinary possibilities they offer in your quest for victory and adventure at Ultimate Tarisland Guide!
Check out other builds and guides via our website – mmo-wiki.com