Ladybug Armor

Ladybug Armor is a Tier 2 armor set made with Ladybug parts. The piece effect Blocking Strength increases the blocking threshold of players.

Grounded 1.0.1 Patch

It’s been one week since Grounded has launched and it has been a fantastic week. With thousands of players jumping back in to experience the new Creatures, Story, Armour, Weapons and all the new features, the response has been great! In this post we go over the Grounded 1.0.1 Patch notes.

Pinch Whacker Location in Grounded

The chopping tools are an incredibly important item to have in the Backyard. Different Tiers of the tools within the game help you break and collect better materials throughout. There is a powerful tool that is not only Tier 3, but also a strong weapon for fighting the bugs throughout. We at Piratecrew will show you where to find the Pinch Whacker Location in Grounded!

Black Ant Lab Guide for Grounded

The Black Ant Lab is a fantastic Quest in Grounded which can be found in the Black Anthill area. We had an absolute blast playing through this and was pleasantly surprised how well created it was

Toxicology Badge location in Grounded

Toxicology Badge Location in Grounded Featured Image

Dotted all across the Backyard lies many mysteries and hidden spots. Within some of these areas there is various Trinkets in the forms of Charms & Accessories. Trinkets provide you usually with two positive effects and one negative drawback. Some Trinkets can help you push through entire areas you will have once struggled to pass without other specific items! As a result, lets find the Toxicology Badge location in Grounded!

Minotaur Maze Key Location

What is the Minotaur Maze? In this article we talk you through where is the Minotaur Maze Key Location. The Grounded Minotaur Maze is a castle like maze found on top of the picnic table. Once you have found your way around the simple Maze you will find a gold chest with one very important […]

Bratburst Crafting Guide

The Bratburst is an explosive bomb in Grounded that can deal large amounts of damage to a range of bugs as well as some structures in the back yard.

Haze Lab Grounded Walkthrough

The Haze Lab in Grounded is where you will find the third Super Chip. The Haze Lab Super Chip. It is located deep in the haze surrounded by fungal growths and infestations.

Mossy Key Location in Grounded

While journeying through the Backyard you may have come across The Pond. Much like you would expect from an underwater adventure, there is a chance in finding secret treasure! Deep below you will come across a Mossy Chest, but it is locked! Lets find the Mossy Key Location in Grounded.

How to make Floors in Grounded

Starting out in Grounded and moving into the huge space of the Backyard may leave you both excited and wondering – where do I settle down? Fortunately Grounded allows you to create your own base to call home, and allows for quite a bit of creativity. When making your base initially however you may begin to realize something is missing and be questioning where the Floors are. Lets see how to make Floors in Grounded.