How to get Berry Leather

Berries and how to get Berry Leather in Grounded can easily be overlooked when running from giant creepy-crawlies or adventuring with friends. However obtaining Berry Leather provides you with a plethora of tier upgrades for armour and more!
Where to find Berries in Grounded

Being a miniaturized human in the perils of the Backyard can prove pretty daunting at times. Something as simple as picking fruits to a standard sized human is no easy task for our situation. Or at least you would think! However, it is very simple to obtain and extract berries, the main thing to know is – where to find Berries in Grounded!
Everything You Need to Explore the Koi Pond in Grounded

The Koi Pond is one of the latest updates to Grounded. Where quiet waters once stood, the pond is now full of life and uncertainty. This Guide shows you everything you can get form the Koi Pond.
Grounded Launch Times Release Schedule

Launch is right around the corner, only one week away. To help everyone prepare, Obsidian has just shared their Grounded Launch Time Release Schedule.
Pond Lab Guide for Grounded

The Pond Lab is an underwater lab found in the depths of the Koi Pond. This really is a dangerous Quest and this Guide will help you.
The Koi Pond Update

The Koi Pond update has brought life to the once calm waters of the backyard. The Pond is a whole new world rich in resources to discover for crafting new gear and structure useful both above and below the water.
The Shroom and Doom Update

The Shroom and Doom update is full of player requested features, oh and some things players didn’t request! Including Shroom bricks, sitting, pet companions, a crossbow and the terrifying Broodmother!
How to enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode

There is many people out there that cannot stand to be within a mile of Spiders, and it’s understandable. Fortunately Obsidian Entertainment were aware of this when creating Grounded and have implemented an option for it. Lets see how to enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode and the various options available to the players of the game.
How to use the Surveyor Scanner in Grounded

In this Guide we will teach you how to use the Surveyor Scanner which can help you find resources to advance in Grounded.
Grounded added a Massive Hot and Hazy Update

Back in late 2021, Grounded added one of their largest updates, Hot and Hazy. This update saw the introduction of new biomes, new weapons and armour, new neighbours and more features.