Arachnophobia Safe Mode Featured img

How to enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode

There is many people out there that cannot stand to be within a mile of Spiders in Grounded, and it’s understandable. Fortunately Obsidian Entertainment were aware of this when creating Grounded and have implemented an option for it. Lets see how to enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode and the various options available to the players of the game.

Firstly, you will want to head onto the Options menu, from there move over to the “Accessibility” tab.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode img 1

As you can see near the top, the third option is the Arachnophobia Safe Mode. A quick and convenient placement for those needing to find an escape from Spiders. Not only will we show you how to enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode, but also the stages of the filter and the differences it will make for your gaming experience. You will end up seeing a lot of Spiders moving into the Hedge Lab area and by the Pond.

How to Enable Arachnophobia Safe Mode

WARNING: Ahead of this message we will be showing you the different stages of what the enabled Arachnophobia Safe Mode does for the players experience. As a result this will show the spiders from in-game and how they change, so be prepared!

Stage 0

No changes have been made to the spider. Level 0 is the filter turned entirely off. You’ll be experiencing the fully intended visuals of the game. In this case, a terrifyingly large spider.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 0

Stage 1

The spider loses half of its legs. This setting, as a result of being level 1 is very mild. We do not recommend this weak of a setting for those with severe Arachnophobia. While the spider does become comical in appearance, the remove of some legs can ease the visual fear for some.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 1

Stage 2

This will remove all the legs on the spider, which is weird in its own way. The spider’s body keeps practically all of the usual characteristics, including eyes, fans, shape and body patterns.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 2

Stage 3

This will remove the spider’s front fangs once enabled, providing a much less aggressive image even if subtle. The spider’s eyes and distinct body patterns are still visible in this setting.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 3

Stage 4

Once enabled this will turn the spider in two harmless blobs. However, the Arachnids still maintain some semblance of themselves with their distinct markings.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 4

Stage 5

The spider is now effectively a Haribo-like creature. Level 5, the strongest filter of the Arachnophobia Safe Mode removes essentially every possible aspect of an Arachnid. As a result, players can peacefully progress through the game and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Arachnophobia Safe Mode level 5

Should you have had any worries or fears about the giant spiders in this game, not to worry as you can have a safe, terror-free Grounded experience. A quick mention is that this will not decrease the difficulty of the game or change any gameplay functionality.

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