After almost 10 years of Development Dead Island 2 is finally here. Dead Island 2 will provide us with improved mechanics, story and systems from the original. The Developer Deep Silver has aimed to make the game much more open world than the previous version. All of this comes with the highly stylized maps offered by Dead Island 2, Some of which can be hard to navigate. We are here to help, Our Dead Island 2 Interactive map can help you find almost every location and item in the game.

Dead Island 2 Interactive Map
Our Dead Island 2 Interactive Map is now LIVE. You can expect to find everything you need using our advanced drop down menu as pictured below. Currently we cover the following catagories:

Our map already covers all the games key locations!
- Bel-air
- Halperin Hotel
- Beverly Hills
- Santa Monica Pier
- Monarch Studios
- Ocean Avenue
- The Metro
- Hollywood Boulevard
- Brentwood Sewer
- Venice Beach

Map Features
We’ve designed and created this Dead Island 2 map for gamers as we are people who actually play games, a lot. In fact we average around 5 – 7 hours a day gaming! This is why we’ve put this map together in a way that we think will be helpful to you, as a gamer.
Show All / Hide All
This feature will do what it says on the tin. You can use this to literally show all the locations on the map, or hide them all. What we like to do is hide all the locations and select just the ones we want to see.
We’ve set out these Categories into groups that we think are useful. Important Items, Locations, Items, Plants and Animals. Then you have a second category which shows that particular item, such as the weapons, quests, items etc.
We have recently added the functionality to add images to the locations. We will continue to add images to the map as we progress further through the game to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for!
3D View
A feature we really want to add at somepoint – once we understand the technology, is a 3d view. If you right click the map and drag your mouse around, you will see it changes from a top down birds eye view into a 3d view, without the 3D! We’re working on that bit…
Contribute to the MMO-Wiki Dead Island 2 Wiki
Everyone who contributes to this website comes from a Gaming Community. We do this for fun and we do it collaboratively. If you would like to join the community, or if you would like to contribute to the map here is how you can:
- Join the Community. We’re all hanging out over on our Discord.
- To Contribute to the Map, hit Login and Create an Account. You will then be able to submit locations which one of our team can approve!