The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale

The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale

The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale is the second tall tale from the ‘A Pirates Life‘ series. You and your crew will need to find and locate the Black Pearl ship which is at the bottom of the ocean before the dark water swallows her forever.

Unfortunately it will be no easy task as the Black Pearl is chained to the bottom of the sea and protected by the Siren Queen and her guards.

The Sunken Pearl Commendations

There is a total of 12 commendations in ‘The Sunken Pearl’ tall tale. 10 of them are tasks that you will need to complete on your journey and 2 are cosmetic rewards that you will be awarded for completing the tale and completing all the commendations.

Heart’s DesireRecover Jack Sparrow’s Compass from the wreck of the Black Pearl.
For The CrewDefeat the Royal Guard after the Siren Queen’s ambush.
Revenge of the Silver BladeDefeat the Kraken and avenged the crew of the Silver Blade.
Deadly ChorusConfront the Siren Queen and lived to tell the tale.
Crew of FreedomReleased the Crew of the Black Pearl from their imprisonment.
The Sunken PearlComplete ‘The Sunken Pearl’.
Chest of SorrowFind the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow.
Tales of Eternal SorrowDiscover all of the Siren Queen’s etchings in the Siren King’s resting place.
Pieces of SilverDiscover all 5 Journals of the Silver Blade’s Captain.
Pearl in the DarkComplete all commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl‘.
Revenge of the Silver Blade CutlassComplete ‘The Sunken Pearl’.
Revenge of the Silver Blade CapstanComplete all commendations for ‘The Sunken Pearl‘.

Starting The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale

In order to start ‘The Sunken Pearl’ tall tale. You will need to visit the Castaway camp at any outpost. You can also start the quest via the quest table on your ship too. However, it is highly recommended to start at Plunders Outpost.

Once you reach the Castaways Camp, go to the wall of the campsite, and you will see all the ‘A Pirate Lifes’ tall tales on shelves. You will want the second one from the left side, which shows a book and a blue shell.

The Castaway will now start speaking and explain how you and your crew will need to find and locate the Black Pearl and maybe even reach some of the crew. As this will be the only hope of finding and stopping Davy Jones before it is too late.

Finding The Sunken Pearl

After the Castaway has spoken, open your quest book and go to the final pages of it. You will notice it shows a map / location of the Sunken Pearl. This location is C-19. Jump aboard your ship, and it’s now time to sail south/south-west from Plunders Outpost.

If you are still unsure where to travel too, look in the sky, and you will see a big blue beam. Head to this beam in order to find the correct location to go.

Finding Jack Sparrows Compass

When you arrive at the Blue beam, you will notice lots of ship debris floating around on the sea. It’s time to grab some food and ammo and dive down. In order of hopes to find the Black Pearl.

We strongly advise bringing the Eye of Reach (Sniper Rifle) as this makes the puzzles a lot easier.

Dive into the water and start swimming down. You will notice lots of ship debris. Follow this all the way down to the bottom of the sea so you do not get lost. Eventually, in the north/north-east direction, you will discover a huge pirate ship. This is the infamous Black Pearl!

Gather some air from the air bubbles nearby and swim around the top of the boat until you locate the staircase that lets you go below deck.

Swim inside the lower deck and follow it around. You will notice a blocked pathway which you will need to remove the debris from by pressing the action button.

Continue swimming on, across the air bubbles until you discover a blocked passage. Push the action button again to remove the cannon debris so you can reach the next room.

You will now be in the final room below deck. Look across the room to notice a dead ocean crawler in the middle of the area.

Swim towards the crawler and press the action key. This will allow you to move the crawlers’ body to discover the Black Pearl Key.

Take the Black Pearl key and swim back out of the lower deck. Head to the other side of the ship and locate the locked door to the captain’s cabin.

Use the Black Pearl key to unlock the Captain Quarters door. Look directly forward to discover Jack Sparrows legendary compass on the table. Pick it up and it’s time to follow the compass’s direction.

You will now be awarded the Heart’s Desire Commendation.

Follow The Compass

Now that you have found the compass, equip it from your quest menu. You will notice it has a red arrow on it, which will direct you to the correct location. (As you exit the captains’ cabin, on your right)

Please note, the compass will always be in the quest menu so do not panic if you think you lost it.

Follow the compass in the east direction, and you will discover a big cave entrance which you will need to swim towards.

The Sunken Pearl

Swim through the cave until you get to a barrier which has a water-looking effect on it. You will notice a statue on your left which will allow you to return to the ship.

But most importantly, you will notice a glowing blue plant. Equip your weapon and shoot it, which will allow you through the barrier.

Go through the barrier and swim through the water, where you will discover some ladders that you will need to climb up. Continue going on until you enter a huge room.

The Spire – Floor 1

Enter inside and straight away head to the back of the room. You will notice a wrecked wooden ship. Make your way behind it, and you will discover the first Silver Blade’s Captain’s journal, called ‘A Run of Good Luck’.

Grab the journal and go to the center of the room. It’s now time to fight a wave of ocean crawlers. Grab your sword or gun and kill all the enemies.

Please note there is an ammo box and plenty of food in the room too.

Upon killing the enemies, you will notice the last enemy will drop a Siren’s Heart. Pick this up and head to the Siren statue that is holding the red coral in its hand.

Look at the chest of the siren statue, and it will give you the prompt “Return Siren Heart”.

Return the heart and now it’s time to do the first siren statue puzzle of the tall tale.

In order to do the first puzzle, you will notice a boulder in the room, which contains 4 different images of siren statues. Your task is to put the siren statues in the correct positions correlating to the pictures shown on the boulder.

  • Siren statue holding the Gem – Put in the Lowest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Flame – Put in the Middle position.
  • Siren statue holding the Chain – Put in the Highest position.

You will need to hit the first 3 statues with your weapon and you will notice they will change into 3 different positions – low, middle or high. Then hit the fourth statue (the biggest one in the middle of the room with the horn next to its mouth.)

If you have done this correctly when hitting the fourth statue, it will play a tune and water will start pouring in, and the room will start filling up.

The Spire – Floor 2

When the room fills up with water, you will notice a platform that you can climb onto. Make your way onto this, and you will see the wall showing the statues again in different positions.

  • Siren statue holding the Gem – Put in the Highest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Flame – Put in the Highest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Chain – Put in the Highest position.

You will now need to jump back into the water and change the positions of all the statues and hit the fourth one again, then go back to the platform.

If this is done correctly, a small eruption will happen and water will burst out of the rocks. This will allow you to walk into it, which will shoot you up to a higher point of the room.

The Spire – Floor 3

Upon landing on this platform, grab food from the barrels and ammo from the ammo crate and prepare to fight a wave of ocean crawlers.

After killing the enemies, you will notice that the final ocean crawler has dropped another siren’s heart. Find the statue that is missing the heart (the one with the flame) and return the siren heart.

Now you will need to put the siren statues in the correct positions, following the image on the wall. Like you have done previously.

  • Siren statue holding the Gem – Put in the Highest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Flame – Put in the Lowest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Chain – Put in the Middle position.

You may have trouble locating one of the siren statues which holds the gem. Look at the images below, you will notice it is hidden away on a higher platform.

Now it’s time to hit the fourth statue which has the horn in its mouth and check if you did the puzzle correctly.

If you have done the puzzle correctly, a sound will play and the water will start rising again.

Top Of The Spire

Once the water has risen, you will now be able to get the second Silver Blade’s Captain’s journal.

As seen in the photos below, swim in the water and head behind the siren statue. Located on the rock, you will see the journal called ‘An Ancient Mystery’.

After reading the journal, it’s time to swim to the middle of the room and notice a pathway to climb up. Climb out of the water and follow the path all the way around to the top.

Make sure to refill your ammo from the ammo box and hit the blue glowing plant which is located beside the barrier, so you can get into the next room.

Entering inside the room, you will now be faced with 2 massive exits in front of you that are blocked off.

Wait until the mysterious voice has finished talking to you, then you will now be able to exit the top of the spire through the doors.

We recommend picking up one of the Trident of Dark Tides in the corner of the room before exiting.

The Siren Queens Royal Guard

Exiting the top of the spire will now put you in the open sea where the Black Pearl is. It’s time to fight off the Siren Queen’s guards!

Before attacking any of the enemies, first swim directly forward to the Black Pearl ship and locate the air bubbles. As there are several waves of enemies, which will lead to a high chance that you will run out of air.

Being at this location and using the air bubbles that are there, will stop you from drowning. Then, as the trident is really powerful, we recommend using it to defeat the waves of enemies that you are faced with.

Take your time and kill all enemies until the final enemy drops the ‘Sirens Heart’.

You will now be awarded the For The Crew Commendation.

Pick up the ‘Sirens Heart’ from the final guard and head to the front of the Black Pearl ship. Follow the chains until you get to the doors of ‘The Siren Citadel’ in the north direction.

Upon arriving at the locked door, you will see a total of 3 siren statues. The statue on the right side is missing its heart, so swim towards the siren statue and return the heart to its body.

Now look directly at the locked door, you will notice the positions that the sirens should be in.

It will require you to simply hit both of the siren statues, so they are in the lowest position, then hit the 3rd and final statue.

If correct, a tone will play and the door will begin to open.

The Siren Citadel

Now that you have opened the doors to ‘The Siren Citadel’. It’s time to get the third journal.

Swim through the cave, until you see a shipwreck, located on the ground and two doors that are blocked off with water. As seen in the photo below, you will be going through the dark tunnel on the left side.

But, first you must get the third journal before proceeding ahead.

Before going through the dark tunnel, swim towards the shipwreck on the floor.

There will be the third Silver Blade’s Captain’s journal, called ‘Unwanted Company’. It is lying on the wood of the shipwreck.

Now it’s time to make your way though the dark tunnel area and follow it all the way around until you get to another door that is blocked off by water.

Pick up some ammo from the box and shoot the glowing blue plant to remove the barrier.

Opening The Siren Citadel Red Door

Upon entering through the barrier, you will be met with a huge room and a locked red door. But before you do anything within this room. Swim right and follow the arrows in the images below to a small opening.

Now, look directly down when you go through this hole, and you will find another part of a wrecked wooden ship.

Laying on the ground will be the fourth Silver Blade’s Captain’s journal, called ‘From Bad to Worse’.

Grab the fourth journal and make your way back into the main room you just came from.

Please note – If you need air, swim to the top of the room and within the small holes in the ceiling are air pockets.

Now that you have got air and managed to find the fourth journal. It is now time to solve the puzzle in this room.

Put the siren statues in the correct positions by looking at the image on the wall.

  • Siren statue holding the Gem – Put in the Middle position.
  • Siren statue holding the Flame – Put in the Lowest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Chain – Put in the Highest position.

Once you have put the 3 siren statues in the correct position, swim up to the top of the room, and you will need to use your Eye of Reach / Snipe Rifle to shoot the final statue which is hidden away. If you have done this correctly, the water will drain.

Once the water drains, it’s time to fight off a few waves of ocean crawlers before you can proceed any further.

Look around the room and grab yourself a trident. Charging a trident up by holding the left mouse button and firing it at the enemies will defeat them extremely fast due to the huge damage it does.

Once you have eliminated all the enemies, you will hear some dialogue from a mysterious voice. Now it is time to head towards the pulley. Using this pulley will open the red door which is ahead.

The red door will be on a timer, so lower the pulley as much as you can, then make a run for it.

Inside The Siren Citadel Cavern

Now that you are in the next room, locate the next pulley in the middle of the room. Go ahead and use this, which will lower the shipwreck. This is also on a timer, so use the pulley and make a run for it too.

Once you have ran onto the ship wreck, after a brief amount of time, it will start rising back up. As seen in the image below, you will need to jump onto these rocks. This will allow you to follow the path around to go further up in the cave.

Keep going up the path until you find half of a broken ship. Jump onto this, and you will notice an ammo box and a box to change your weapon.

If you haven’t already done so, you must switch one of your weapons out to the Eye of Reach / Sniper rifle.

Now that you have the correct weapon, turn around, and you will see a crack in the ship, drop down through the hole, and you will notice the fifth and final Silver Blade’s Captain’s journal, called ‘Don’t Look for Us’.

You will now be awarded the Pieces of Silver Commendation.

After finding the last journal, turn around and make your way around the back of the ship. Follow the path to the small cave entrance which leads you to the final siren statue puzzle.

As seen in the photos below, you will need to shoot through the holes with your Eye of Reach and hit the siren statues. Remember that there is an ammo box on the floor if you need to refill your weapon.

  • Siren statue holding the Gem – Put in the Middle position.
  • Siren statue holding the Flame – Put in the Highest position.
  • Siren statue holding the Chain – Put in the Lowest position.

After you’ve shot the 3 statues, you may be wondering where the final one is to complete the puzzle? Well, we need to go to a different location to get this.

Once you have shot the statues in the correct position, head back out of the cave and go back to the top of the ship by following the photos below.

Now you are at the top of the ship, equip your Eye of Reach and look across the room. Scope in with the weapon, and you will notice through the tunnel there is the final siren statue.

Shoot this and if done correctly, the room will start filling up with water.

Once the water has stopped flowing, jump in and climb up on the ladders across the room to get on the platform with the pulley.

Looking at the images below, use the pulley and lower the wooden beams down. Jump across and enter the red cave entrance. Walk inside and go to the back of the room to locate the Silver Blade Key.

Pick the key up, and you will now have to jump back in the water and use the pulley again. This time you will be going into the cave entrance on your right.

Make your way through the cave until you get to another passage which is blocked by water.

Drop the key on the floor and use your Eye of Reach to shoot the glowing blue plant next to the door to unlock it. Remember to pick the key back up and head inside the next room.

The Silver Blade

As soon as you enter this room, stick to the left side and follow it around until you get onto the Silver Blade Ship.

Once you are aboard the ship, head to the other side. You will notice the captain’s cabin door is locked. Go ahead and use the Silver Blade key on the locked door to unlock it.

Upon entering the captain’s cabin, you will discover the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow. Pick this up and put it in a safe location near the mast or anchor. As you will need this chest later on to complete a different commendation.

You will now be awarded the Chest of Sorrow Commendation.

It’s time to prepare yourself for a battle of many waves of enemies!

You will need to locate two barrels on the ship. One of them contains an unlimited amount of cannonballs and the other one contains food.

Stock up and load the cannons! Skeletons and ocean crawlers will appear on the other side of the room, so it’s time to fire cannonballs at them.

After defeating all the enemies, it’s time to raise the anchor, which is located near the barrels.

Start to raise the anchor enough until more skeletons and ocean crawlers appear. Now let go of the anchor and start firing cannonballs at them.

If you are playing solo, this part can be a bit difficult because letting go of the anchor will allow the Silver Blade to slowly lower. So you will need to raise the anchor then fire a couple of cannonballs, then repeat as you will not be able to get the correct location to fire the cannons at the enemies.

After you have defeated the enemies, restock your food as you will now be faced with even more enemies, but this time they will appear on the ship.

Take your time and defeat the ocean crawlers which have boarded the Silver Blade ship.

The Kraken

Now the enemies on the ship have been defeated, the mysterious Kraken will appear.

To defeat the Kraken. You will need to get on the cannons and keep firing shots at the Krakens face.

As the Kraken can spit out a toxic on the player, you will need to remember to keep your health topped up until the Kraken finally gives up and leaves you alone.

You will now be awarded the Revenge of the Silver Commendation.

After the Kraken has vanished, it’s time to hop on the anchor and raise the Silver Blade Ship to the very top.

Make sure to pick the Chest of the Everlasting Sorrow up from your safe location and climb up the ladders on the mast. This will allow you to reach the top of the room and to exit the area.

Keep following the path to the top of the room until you discover another barrier and a glowing blue plant, put the chest down and shoot the plant. Pick the chest back up and go into the next room.

The Siren King’s Resting Place

Upon entering the room you will be faced with a passage way and a red door that is locked. In front of the door are 2 stone platforms. Drop the chest down on the platform closest to the door and the door will start to open to the Siren King’s Resting Place.

Now that the door is open, you will see the Siren King’s skeleton at the back of the room. You may be wondering what to do here. Well, there are a total of five inscriptions on the walls. You MUST read all five of these in order to get the commendation.

You will now be awarded the Tales of Eternal Sorrow Commendation.

Exit the room after you get the commendation and stick to your right. You will NOT need the chest of Everlasting Sorrows no more, so continue through the passage and follow the path until you get to a barrier with a blue glowing plant.

Before you, you shoot the blue glowing plant to unlock the door. Be prepared for a boss fight with the Siren Queen.

There is plenty of food and ammo in this room so do not panic if you haven’t been able to restock.

Shoot the glowing blue plant and grab yourself a Trident of Dark Tides from the floor, then enter the room.

The Siren Queen

The Siren Queen will now appear, who wants you dead.

Charge up your trident and fire it at the queen. Eventually, the queen will vanish and will summon her guards. Defeating these will bring the queen back out.

Continue this process and kill all the enemies, and then you will finally be faced with the Siren Queen again.

Shoot her again and she will then finally explode into pieces. Good job the Siren Queen has been defeated.

You will now be awarded the Deadly Chorus Commendation.

It’s now time to exit this area, so go ahead, restock your ammo and hit the blue glowing plant in the middle of the room to remove the barrier.

This will allow you to jump into the pool of water. Swim in the water until you find another door that is blocked off.

Equip your weapon one last time and hit the glowing blue plant located in the water and go into the final room.

The Black Pearl Crew Members

You will now see three statues that are behind the netted wall. Equip your gun and shoot all three of them several times. They will break, and you will now free the Black Pearl crew members.

You will now be awarded the Crew of Freedom Commendation.

If you have seen Pirates of the Caribbean before, you will instantly recognize the famous Joshamee Gibbs, Scrum and Anamaria. Gibbs will go on and talk to you about how they are thankful for you rescuing them as the Flying Dutchman dragged them down with the Black Pearl ship.

Gibbs will also explain that Captain Jack Sparrow isn’t dead as we are led to believe. But he is in danger, and we need to rescue him as he has the treasure that everyone wants. Then he requests you to hand over Jack’s Compass but in return they will help you when they have reached land.

Hand over Jack’s Compass to Gibbs in order to complete the ‘The Sunken Pearl’ tall tale.

You will now be awarded The Sunken Pearl Commendation.

Well done! For completing the tall tale, you will be awarded 2400 or 8000 gold (depending if you completed it on higher or safer seas) and you will unlock the Revenge of the Silver Blade Cutlass. 

However, if you have followed our guide correctly, you would have 100% completed the tall tale. Which means you will unlock the Pearl in the Dark commendation and Revenge of the Silver Blade Capstan.

Exiting the Siren Citadel

In order to exit the Siren Citadel. Jump into the water nearby. Then you can either locate the statue in the water and press the action button, which will teleport you back to your ship.

Or if you wish to take the longer route. Head outside the passage way and you will locate the Black Pearl ship. Swim directly up until you reach your boat.

Now that you have completed the ‘The Sunken Pearl’ tall tale from the Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life series. You are now ready to head to any outpost or the quest table on your ship to start the next tall tale, Captains of the Damned.


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