Complete Guide to Foraging in Palia
As you embark on your journey through Palia, you’ll encounter eight core skills that can level up as you play. These 8 skills play an important part in your gameplay. The one we will focus on in this article is Foraging. Foraging is basically just picking plants and chopping down trees. Some plants and trees have rare resources so keep an eye out for them.
Plenty to Gather and Chop
While you explore Palia make sure to chop down trees and collect plants as they can drop various items including seeds that you can plant. Additionally, you can gather flowers, blooms, and mushrooms that are scattered throughout Kilima Village and Bahari Bay.

The Tools Needed for Foraging
Ashura is the villager that can help you out with anything to do with foraging. He will give you tasks to complete to improve your foraging skill. This will allow you to get better tools to use.

Where to find Ashura
Ashura is the manager of Ormuu’s Horn Inn in Kilima Village and is always willing to help those in need. If you are unable to locate him at the Inn, he might be outdoors enjoying a stroll around the village. If you are unable to find him immediately, check your map to see if he is in a different location. If you are still unable to locate him, keep in mind that even friendly villager NPCs need their rest and sleep through the night. However, some NPCs have later bedtimes than others.

How to Level up Foraging in Palia
While exploring Palia’s vast lands, you’ll come across many resources in the wild. Ashura is there to provide you with the basics and an introduction. When you forage, you not only collect items but also gain experience points. By leveling up your foraging skill, you’ll unlock more in the foraging store with Ashura. You’ll get access to improved or rare tools and equipment, and even better crafting recipes. It’s recommended to check back with Ashura every now and then to see if he has more in stock for you.

Refining Raw Materials
After collecting sufficient raw materials from the wilderness, you can head back to your home to process them. By using a sawmill, you can refine lumber, which is an essential material for constructing various furniture pieces for your home and upgrading your tools. Therefore, it’s crucial to refine a considerable amount of lumber to furnish your home with all the necessary furniture. For further details on furniture construction, refer to our Furniture Making Guide.

Level up other skills
In Palia, the various skills can overlap and require items from other skill sets. For instance, foraged items from the wilderness can help unlock skills in Cooking. Wild mushrooms can be used to create tasty meals, and other foraged items can be used for pigments and dyes. As you level up your Foraging skill it will help to level up other skills within that overlap, so keep an eye on what you need for each skill.

Explore and Fill Your Pockets
There are tools in Palia that can help you while you travel across the landscape such as the Glider. The glider is very helpful as it allows you to glide across large areas and helps you move from a high cliff to the ground easily.
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