Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

As you start your adventure in Palia you will unlock access to multiple core skills. The skill system will impact your experience and is the main gameplay component players are able to master. With a wide range of skills to choose from, Gardening is one of the skills that require fewer tools than some others, by progressing in this skill you will be able to unlock better equipment, a wider range of seeds to purchase, and additional gardening features.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We’ve put together an Advanced Gardening Guide which you can access here or by clicking the image above. For those just getting started with Gardening, continue reading.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Getting Started as a Gardener

Gardening is about harnessing your inner ‘green thumb’, growing your own crops, and living off the land with home-cooked meals, jams and pickles! Whilst Gardening can look straightforward, if you wanted to make the most out of your garden some strategy may be required. Before we get in too deep, let’s get you started.

Hoe & Watering Can

Tools to get you started

To start your journey, getting the right tools for the job would be the first step, don’t worry about this costing you, the kind punny gardening enthusiast Badruu will help get you started with the basic tools free of charge! These basic tools for Gardening in Palia would be the Watering Can and the Hoe, both with valuable uses in your Gardening journey.

The hoe will be used to prepare your plotted land before you start planting the seeds whilst the watering can can make sure your flowers and crops are watered to reduce the risk of wilting under the weather conditions. When you start Gardening in Palia you will realize that you can only water individual seeds or plants so make sure you have a nearby water source or have built a water system allowing you to replenish your watering can. As you progress to become a better gardener you will also have access to craft better gardening tools providing extra benefits such as being able to water multiple beds simultaneously.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Where to find Badruu

The resident farmer in Palia will provide you not only with gardening-related puns, but he will also give you the handy tools and soil to start you off. He can be found either at his home in Leafhopper Hills situated West of the big Kilima Village. If he is not found around his home he can also be found wandering around the town. Make sure to use your map to find him! However if you can’t find him, the NPCs of Palia do need their beauty sleep so they may just be sleeping!

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Crops, Plants and Herbs

You may be able to get crafting recipes and blueprints from Badruu or possibly Zeki at his general store in Killima village. From carrots and potatoes to onions and cotton, each seed that can be planted in your garden can have positive effects on your crops and how they grow. For example, cotton will improve all crops planted near whilst carrots will prevent weeds from growing on nearby crops. This is where the strategy will come into play to make sure your garden can bloom.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Planting your first crop

You are now ready to start planting and becoming a Gardener in Palia. You’ve got the Watering can, Hoe, and soil from Badruu with some seeds you’ve picked up from Zeki’s general store. Your first step is to place your soil in your allotted grounds. One soil will provide you with 9 individual plots, however, you’re not ready just yet. Use your hoe to till the soil to prepare the grounds to start planting seeds, whilst doing this you may discover some treasure.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Once your plots are ready, plant the seeds of your choice and water them. Make sure to regularly check on your plots from time to time to ensure they are watered enough. If you are not able to check at certain times there’s no need to panic as you will not lose your progress, the progress just pauses until you are able to water them or deal with any pesky weeds.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Once your crops are ready to be harvested, you will be able to use the vacant plot again for the seeds of your choosing, however, some plants remain such as tomatoes that you may have to pull up in order to use that plot again for a different type of seed.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

The Seed Collector

If your green thumb isn’t satisfied just yet, you can unlock the blueprint for the Seed Collector at Badruu, which will allow you to harvest some of your finished crops into seeds to make a more extensive garden, whilst its not that expensive from the general store the materials required may be a little steep.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Once you unlock and make the Seed collector, you can see that with a few crops, you can get a good return of seeds to help increase your garden yield, which may help other skills.

Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia

Gardening helps other skills

As your garden grows you will be able to use your crops to improve your cooking skill to create delicious meals, some meals will even help you level up other skills faster. Flowers in your garden may be used for pigments in your furniture-making skill.

Hopefully, this Complete Guide to Gardening in Palia can start your journey, If you want to learn about the other skills in Palia make sure to visit our skills page here.




Twitch Streamer and Content Creator for MMO-Wiki, Soon to be Living in a Van Full Time, Travelling the world with his Family!

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