Have you ever thought of getting your hands on those cute critters fluttering and scurrying about the world of Palia? you can catch those bugs and insects with the help of our boy Auni.
Auni will be able to help you with the resources and skills to be successful, as he can offer quests to level up your bug catching skills. This guide will help you to find him and show you what he offers so that you can continue on your adventure to be “the very best” bug-catching legend.
Auni’s Map Location
Time | Location |
4:00 am | Wakes up from his treehouse and goes to Kilima Village Town Square |
10:00 am | Walks to the east beside the windmill |
2:00 pm | Spends time at the inn/tavern |
3:00 pm | Stands at the back part of the inn/tavern |
6:00 pm | Walks to the Daiya`s House |
9:00 pm | Stands beside his treehouse |
12:00 am | Sleeping |

Auni is the town’s enthusiastic mail delivery boy. At times, he can be found running around Kilima Village delivering the mail of the town. Sometimes when he’s not delivering mail, he is looking for bugs to catch within the area between Gillyfin Cove and Leafhopper Hills. It’s hard not to miss him as he strolls along the roads carrying his giant loot bag.
Meeting Auni for the first time in your plot, you will receive your first two delivery mails from Einar and Hassian. He will then give you a bug scout’s official belt and a handful of smoke bombs when talking to him the second time and he invites you to meet his father, Badruu for gardening and Reth for cooking.

To learn the basics of the art of insect-catching, you have to meet Auni one more time to receive the Bug Catching 101 quest. Here you will be asked to collect a Common Blue Butterfly or Kilima Night Moth, either one of the bugs collected will complete the quest. Once collected, you have to return to Auni for the completion of the quest.

This is a Skill Quest given by Auni Since Auni is Affiliated with the Bug Catching Technique. Talk to Auni and Let him teach you how to Catch Bugs.

As for Bug Catching 101, He will ask you to catch a Kilima Night Moth or A Common Blue Butterfly. Take note that you will need to Catch Either of the required items.
1. Common Blue Butterfly.

The Common Blue Butterfly is located throughout the map. But it is Time-Bound and Only appears at Bahari Map and Kilima Village from 3:00 am – 6:00 pm.
2. Catching a Kilima Night Moth
For Kilima Night Moth, is the counterpart of the Common Blue Butterfly, It is also found in Bahari Bay Map and Kilima Village but at Night. The time for these species of bug to spawn is 6:00 pm – 3:00 am.

Once you have caught either the Butterfly or the Moth. Go back to Auni.

Once completed, Auni will give you Milk, and 5 renown for completing Bug Catching 101.

After Quest, Auni will send you a mail that contains a Post Quest Rewards, A picnic setup.

This is what the Picnic Setup Looks Like, It’s quite cozy, right? Thanks to Auni!
Like any other skills in Palia, you can progress by doing the more advanced questlines from Auni. It may be a lengthy one and has increasing difficulty but worry not as it will eventually be done as you further expand your collection. Upon leveling up your skill, you will want to go back to Auni as he will give you exclusive rewards mainly for your bug-catching career and other rare items like a recipe for terrariums.
Since Auni is the bug expert, as he says he is, he can provide you with the questlines to level up your skills in bug catching. Leveling and mastering your bug-catching skills will net you the opportunity to buy new and more advanced resources and recipes from Auni. You can see the skill levels when you open your bag.

Friendship and Romance
In the world of Palia. you will encounter numerous villagers. one of them is Auni. It is possible to befriend them by engaging in the friendship system.
There are several ways to increase your Friendship Level with all of the villagers. You can:
- Chat with them every Palian day (which resets hourly in real-world time)
- Giving them gifts once every real-world day.
- Gifting them unique types of gifts they call Weekly Wants (in order to know what gift they are looking for, you have to converse with the specific NPC like Auni or his friends)
- Progressing through each character’s story arc by completing their storyline quests.
Since Auni is still a kid, romance is not available.
Bug Catching Guild Store
Auni sells various Recipes and Tools you can use for capturing. Below is the table are the items:
Image | Description | Rarity | Cost | Crafting Requirements: |
![]() | Recipe: Sneaky Smoke Bomb “Be very, very quiet…. This smoke bomb that prevents you from alerting bugs.” | Uncommon Equipment | Cost: 100 Gold Value: 2 Gold | 1 Clay 1 Sundrop Lily 1 Chapaa Fur |
![]() | Recipe: Standard Belt “A standard belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Makeshift Belt.” | Uncommon Tool | Costs: 250 Gold Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | 1 Makeshift Belt 4 Leather 3 Copper Bar |
![]() | Recipe: Smoke Candle “Emits a soothing smoke that lasts and prevents you from alerting bugs.” | Uncommon Equipment | Costs: 500 Gold Value: 3 Gold | 1 Clay 1 Fabric 1 Sweet Leaf |
![]() | Recipe: Sticky Smoke Bomb “Whoah There! This smoke bomb slows down all insects in a given area.” | Uncommon Candle | Costs: 1000 Value: 55 Gold | Any 1 Red Meat 1 Emerald Carpet Mass 1 Coral |
![]() | Recipe: Fine Belt “A fine belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Standard Belt.” | Rare Tool | Costs: 1500 Gold Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | 1 Standard Belt 2 Fabric 3 Iron Bar |
![]() | Recipe: Honey Lure “When placed on the ground, lures more insects for a short period of time.” | Rare Consumable | Costs: 2000 Gold Value: 800 Gold | 1 Gold Bar 1 Dragon’s Beard Peat 4 Apple |
![]() | Recipe: Buzzy Jar “Allows you to track rare insects for 15 minutes.” | Rare Consumable | Costs: 25000 Value: 200 Gold | Any 3 Uncommon Bugs 2 lass Bulb 2 Silk Thread |
![]() | Recipe: Exquisite Belt “An exquisite belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Fine Belt.” | Epic Tool | Costs: 3000 Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | 1 Fine Belt 2 Silk 1 Palium Bar |
![]() | Recipe: Smoke Candle “Emits a soothing smoke that lasts and prevents you from alerting bugs.” | Epic Equipment | Costs: 3000 Gold Value: 217 Gold | 1 Clay 1 Pearl 1 Silk |
![]() | Recipe: Supreme Smoke Bomb “You never miss! This smoke bomb has a perfect catch rate.” | Uncommon Equipment | Costs: 4 Bug Catching Medals Value: 40 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Recipe: Sneaky Smoke Bomb “Be very, very quiet… This smoke bomb that prevents you from alerting bugs.” | Uncommon Equipment | Costs: 4 Bug Catching Medals Value: 60 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Recipe: Supreme Smoke Bomb “You never miss! This smoke bomb has a perfect catch rate.” | Epic Equipment | Costs: 12 Bug Catching Medals Value: 217 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Recipe: Smoke Candle “Emits a soothing smoke that lasts prevents you from alerting bugs.” | Uncommon Consumable | Costs: 5 Bug Catching Medals Value: 55 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Recipe: Honey Lure “When placed on the ground, lures more insects for a short period of time.” | Rare Consumable | Costs: 75 Bug Catching Medals Value: 800 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Recipe: Buzzy Jar “Allows you to track rare insects for 15 minutes.” | Rare Consumable | Costs: 50 Bug Catching Medals Value: 200 Gold | N/A |
![]() | Big Catcher’s Plaque “This plaque proves you’re good at catching bugs, and that’s better than catching colds!” | Rare Customization | Costs: 140 Bug Catching Medals Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | N/A |
![]() | Butterfly Lights Wallpaper “Perfect for the master bug catcher, the wallpaper is covered in butterflies to light up the night. But wouldn’t that make them moths or fireflies?” | Rare | Costs: 220 Bug Catching Medals Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | N/A |
![]() | Bug Catcher’s Lure “Bugs don’t bug you! In You can even set out this glowing lure to tell them you want to be friends.” | Epic Customization | Costs: 560 Bug Catching Medals Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | N/A |
![]() | Bug Catcher’s Insectarium “With this insectarium, your whole collection will be snug as a bug in a… tank.” | Legendary Customization | Costs: 980 Bug Catching Medals Value: Item Cannot Be Sold | N/A |
Complete Friendship Guide
Level 2 Friendship Quest (That Stinks)

To unlock the 2nd Friendship Quest for Auni. You need your relationship with Auni to become a Blossoming Friendship. Giving Auni gifts and Weekly wants will help you attain this level faster.

The Image Above shows the 2nd level indicator replaced by triple dots. This means the quest for that level is currently active.

In That Stinks Quest, Auni wanted you to catch a Spotted Stinkbug. He needed this type of bug to prank Nai`o.
The Location of Spotted Stinkbug

Any time of the Day, Around Mirror Fields, Leafhopper Hills and Maji`s Hollow in Kilima Village is the location of Spotted Stinkbug. It can also be found on the Bahari Map but they are more harder to catch.

The Spotted Stinkbugs are harder to spot since they are very small. Their appearance is a spotted green and black.

Now that you have caught one. Find Auni.

Talk to Auni and Give him the Caught Spotted Stinkbug.

Good Job! Now Auni will prank Nai`o and surprise him with the bug! This quest will give you 30 Sneaky Smoke Bombs, 30 Sticky Smoke Bombs, and 20 Renown! That is all for the 2nd Level of Auni!
Level 3 Friendship Quest (In Tents)

Once you have reached the third level of Friendship with Auni, Talk to him to start the Quest entitled, In tents!

Auni will hand you his key to his treehouse and ask you to pick up his Camping Gear inside the treehouse.

Auni`s Treehouse is located at the back of Daiya`s Farm. Go to Auni`s Treehouse to pick up his Camping Gear.

This treehouse is the only one currently in Palia. Go inside and use the key that Auni gave you.

Other books can be read inside this treehouse, take your time to explore. When you are ready, pick up the Camping Gear.

For the next step, Auni also has asked you to drop the Camping Gear at the Camping Site at Bahari Bay. The Encircled Location is the required drop-off point.

When you are near the marker, you will see multiple cabins from afar. That is the location! Let’s Go!

Drop the camping gear. return to Auni to complete the Quest!

Good Job! You finished the 3rd Quest for Auni! Well done on strengthening Bug’s Friendship with Auni! You will receive 2 Supreme Smoke Bombs, 1 Jewelwing Dragonfly, and 25 Renown.
Level 4 Friendship Quest (Checking In)

Now, You and Auni have been Bug Friends Forever, He will assign you an important quest to do. This quest will be entitled: Checking In. This is the quest for the Final Level of your Friendship, so do your best!

You need to open the mail Nai’o sent you to trigger the quest. Nai`o wants you to check up on Auni because he has been acting weird since he returned from his camping trip. As his loyal friend and BFF, talk to him and consult him about his worries.

Since you and Auni are BFFs. Auni will be sharing a secret with you. He said that he was under a curse. The last time he was camping, he picked up a relic in Bahari Bay, and soon after he is having dreams about finding his way back home.

Now, as his friend. it is time for you to save Auni from the curse. You need to return the statue to its former location to undo the spell.

He said that the location of the relic storage is somewhere in Statue Garden found in Bahari Bay. Go to the area.

Search the area where there is a pinpointed yellow flag on the map.

Climb the stairs to the ruins.

Follow the path to the left and straight ahead. The location will be in that encircled area. Let’s go save our Bug Friend!

The first large stone will be the location for the Ancient Statue. Place the statue and report back to Auni.

Auni appreciates all your effort! He stated that you are a lifesaver and a true friend. The Quest rewarded you with 90 Renown and a commemoration item from Auni: A Jar of Shimmerlies! You and Auni are now inseparable! Good Job, Fellow Bug Catcher!
That is all for our storyline and history about our Bug Friend Auni! If you found this guide helpful and would like way more like this one, stick around in our community and feel free to say hi through our official Discord channel. Check out more of our guides on our Palia Homepage or stick around for more news, updates, and patches to look out for!