The latest batch of answers from the Nightingale Dev Discord Q&A including Nightingale Combat. As Nightingale continues development into the New Year, they took some time to post some additional community questions they received over on the Official Nightingale Discord.
These questions cover a range of topics: Building, Crafting, Nightingale Combat, NPCs, and more. But if you find that your burning questions aren’t included here then don’t despair. Hop into the Nightingale Discord and join in with the next developer Q&A.
Will we be able to build structures in abnormal places? (e.g. cliff faces, big trees, cave ceilings, etc.) / Will we be allowed to build anywhere in any given Realm?
There are some structure placement rules (sharp incline angles, objects blocking placement, certain pieces can only be added to others, etc) but otherwise you will be allowed to build pretty much anywhere.
Will we be able to change the color of things? Like, if we get a table and it’s black, will we be able to paint it green to match our decor? More importantly a nuanced color change, so it’s not just a flat green, but something that looks like it was supposed to be green.
We’ll reveal more about customization options in future.
Will we be able to build more than one home base or outpost in any given Realm?
At the moment you can only have one respite point at a time (think: respawn / home base), but you can build multiple structures anywhere in the Realms.
Are we going to be able to name chests we place in our base or signage to indicate which chest has what in them?
It’s not something that’s currently in the game but it’s an interesting suggestion!

Nightingale Combat Systems
There was some mention of ‘discoveries’ unlocking recipes for crafting and that players are likely to have a variety unlocked between them. Do you have plans for rare / challenging discoveries such as boss weapons or rare decoration sets? Or are players expected to end up unlocking most / all discoveries through basic gameplay?
Part of the goal is to reward players exploring and taking on tougher challenges.
I was curious how deep the spells will be in Nightingale. Will there be a large variety of attack as well as support spells or will it be very simple? Like wind, fire…all that kind of thing?
That is an interesting question. I will answer by saying we will be aiming for a large variety. At the start of Early Access it’s probably something like ~10 but we will continue adding them. We are planning a variety of spells ranging from utility, to combat. We believe it is a major part of the Realmwalker fantasy.
A quick look at the Nightingale Combat Systems.
How will itemization work in this game? Will there be any variance in item stats/rarity? Can weapons or tools be found in the Realms, or are they strictly crafted?
This seems like a great topic for a future community update!
When you start or spawn into Nightingale, do you have some sort of main mission or is it more free roaming through the Realms?
Like most survival crafting games, Nightingale provides players a lot of freedom in what you want to pursue as a goal, and how you can complete it. However, through NPC/Quests there is also a narrative progression that players can pursue.

Lore/World Building
Music. Will different Realms have different ambiance music? Court themes? Creature themes?
Yes – we are planning on 1) Bespoke biome themes, 2) Area-specific themes, like the fae ruins, tower, caves etc. 3) Apex creatures will have their own combat music.
Are creatures ever trying to kill each other? Or do they just gang up against the player when they are near?
Over time you’ll discover the relationship between various creatures – but yes, for example, predators will attack prey…
There was mention of different fae factions that appear to be based on seasons (with the Winter Court). Will we be able to interact with all of the factions and, if so, will it have any impact on the gameplay?
Most fae and humans organize themselves into factions, with more being introduced over the course of your Realmwalking adventures! All factions, whether Fae or human, can provide opportunities for lore and storytelling. Part of the mystery, though, is to uncover who is friend and who is foe in the Realms – and who can help you play the way you’d like to.
If a Skyfaller falls in the forest, do the Eoten make a sound?
Only if they have the right qua-leaf-ications.
Player Character
How much can we customize our character’s physical appearance? Not so much clothes but like body builds – can we make a heavier chunky kinda character or varying heights? Or will all characters, except for NPCs, share the same generic body model with little input on its overall build and shape besides your face?)
We’ll have more details on character creation and customization in future.
Can we have multiple characters?
At the moment, players can create 3 characters. You can only play with one at a time. We have not decided if this number is final yet.
When opening up portals using Realm Cards, will there be ‘invalid’ combinations of cards that could open a portal to an empty realm, or limbo, or accidently allow things to invade your realm until you can close it?
Potentially in the future. Initially it will be more about players learning how they can find various card recipes and use combinations of those to explore Realms.
Nightingale Combat

Is there going to be a building limiter? Like in ‘Tribes of Midgard’ where you are only allowed to place down so many structures, including crafting tables, etc…
We’re still exploring the limits of the system. There will likely be some limits for performance reasons, and we’ll share more on this when we settle on it (at least for the start of Early Access).
Will you have a limited inventory/will excess inventory slow you down?
You do have limited inventory and there is an encumbrance system – we will reveal more about this in future.
Will there be a discovery system implemented (where you note biome, creature and other discoveries into a journal)?
Players have a journal that will track what they’ve discovered, and hint at what else is there for them to find.
How customisable will the UI be? My hope is that I can turn on/off any elements that I wish, move them about on the screen to any position, etc.
UI is something that will continue to evolve until start of Early Access (and beyond) – we can share more details closer to launch
Will Chinese be supported in the beta version? Or do we need to wait for stability before developing Chinese?
We’re not 100% sure which localization options will make it into the initial Early Access launch at this time, but Chinese is on our list to include during EA.
Take a look at the latest news in Nightingale combat here.
Nightingale Combat