Should you Turn off the Gas in Grounded?

Wondering How to Turn off the Gas in Grounded? In this Guide we show you how to turn it off, and why you might NOT want to turn off the Haze.
Assistant Manager Boss Fight

The Assistant Manager boss fight in Grounded is a mandatory boss fight during the Black Ant Lab quest. The Creature can be found right at the end of the Black Ant Lab. This fight is a once per playthrough battle, but also an incredibly fun one! We thoroughly enjoyed this fight at piratecrew! You can either solo this fight or bring friends.
Top 10 Tips and Tricks in Grounded

We absolutely love grounded and we have been playing it for some time now. Together we came up with some of our favourite tips and tricks that may help you
Broodmother Boss Fight Grounded

The Broodmother boss fight in Grounded is an optional boss fight you will come across during your playthrough. The Creature is found in the Hedge near the Hedge Lab. Specifically by the Frisbee. This boss is a repeatable fight in Grounded so long as you have the food or “bait” to summon the Hedge Broodmother. You can either solo the boss or fight it with friends.
How to Get Pets in Grounded

We got super excited at the prospect of the ability and had to write about how to get pets in grounded. A couple of us simply like to have pets, as we do at home (although not an Aphid).
MANT Boss Fight

The Mant Boss fight is a major battle that is mandatory to complete to proceed in the main story questline. The Creature is found in the Undershed Lab, blocking the path to Dr. Wendell Tully. It can only be defeated once, similar to the Assistant Manager.
Black Ox Armor

Black Ox Armour is a armour set crafted out of Black Ox Beetles. This armour is one of the main tank armours for Grounded.
Fire Ant Armor

The Fire Ant Armour is an armour set crafted from pieces of Fire Ants. Its piece effect, Corrosion, has a chance to lower enemy defence when getting a hit on a target.
Wendell’s Undershed Lab Guide Grounded

This Guide will help you find and navigate The Undershed Lab Location and prepare you to fight The Mant. One of Groundeds toughest bosses.
Roly Poly Armor

Roly Poly Armor is a Heavy class armor set crafted with Roly Poly parts. The piece effect Block Stun slowly stuns enemies while blocking their attacks