Clans in Pax Dei

Clans are confirmed to be a big part of Pax Dei. Pax Dei is a Social Sandbox MMO with Clans creating villages and trading hubs for all to enjoy. Clans will basically create and build all the trading routes and markets that will be in Pax Dei.

Clans Size

There is currently no confirmation on clan sizes. “I envision some very different Clan sizes, all according to what the members of the individual Clans prefer, what they are wanting to accomplish in game, which types of structures they build and where they do it.

As has been stated several times, we are designing this game with emergent gameplay in mind.  We want to give players basic tools and building blocks, to do with as they see fit. We are not going to try to dictate what is optimal or make rules that force players to create the Clans we think are somehow of the “Correct” size.”

Clan Permissions

There will be permissions for crafters and other elements in the game and you as the Clan leader can decide who to share the permissions with. As of Early Access the clan system does not have much to it besides having a Clan Leader, Officers, and then the members. This is all so that clans can start building their villages, towns, and cities to trade with.

We are looking forward to see how the developers bring in new clan features throughout Early Access and expand on what they envision for the clan system in Pax Dei.

Clan Chat

Proximity Chat

Proximity chat, or VOIP as we also know it will be introduced into the game during Early Access. It is something they have on their roadmap but it is not the most important thing on the development list.

In-game voice chat is a question many players have asked the developers about. It will be in the game eventually. Having in-game voice chat will be great for helping others out in the PvE dungeons and to be able to talk to traders. How it will be implemented and what they will do to avoid people abusing others will be seen over the course of Early Access.

We will be updating this section as the game develops and updated by the devs. If you know anything we have not mentioned please join our Discord and let us know!


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