Shigawire Reels Part 7 gives us our first look at Ornithopters and Spice blows, both seem to be major components of the hinted at Spice related timed events. As we get closer and closer to a playable beta build the Dune Shigawire Reels are giving us a better and better look at the games vision.
Dune Shigawire Reels Part 7

“Ornithopters are extremely versatile craft used for scouting, combat, and transport.
Modified ‘thopters are capable of carrying other vehicles such as spice-collecting Sandcrawlers.”

Spice Blow
“Spice blows are violent eruptions of unrefined spice resulting from a buildup of underground pressures. They can be seen from huge distances.”

With this latest addition to the Shigawire Reels series we finally got a hint at the Spice based limited time events and the tools to get to and from them, Ultimately these types of events will be the main driving force behind organically forming PvP. Ornithopters should proof to be the most versatile of the airborne transport options available within Dune Awakening. Ornithopters could also be a great offensive option due to their maneuverability and modular design.
If you enjoyed this break down make sure to check out our breaksdowns of Shigawire reels 1, Shigawire reels 2 and Shigawire reels 3 .