Skills in Pax Dei


Pax Dei has taken the approach to skills with “You learn by doing.” This means things in gear and weapons might require you to have a skill of a certain level to activate. 

Crafting relies a lot on your skill level for the specified craft. The higher your level the easier it is to craft items. Crafting was always determined by the materials you gathered or crafted, but now a level requirement is required as well for certain recipes to unlock. At this point in time you are unable to learn recipes from books or scrolls, but it is a feature the devs are wanting to bring in at some point.

Crafting Skills

Crafting skills are some of the foundation skills for anyone whos wanting to survive in the world of Pax Dei. As seen in the image above there are a variety of skills to level up and master.

Leveling up Crafting abilities will play a huge role in Guilds and their construction of trading towns and routes.

AlchemyA form of chemistry. Transmutation of matter. Potions and Elixirs.
Armor SmithingCrafting of Armor.
BakingCrafting of deserts and pastries.
BlacksmithingCrafting of tools.
CarpentryRefining Wood to use for building of houses and furniture.
CharcuteriePreparing of cured meats and meat products.
CookingCrafting of meals and rations.
FletchingPreparation of arrows and bolts.
HerbalismThe practice of medicinal use of plants.
Jewelry MakingCrafting of jewelry such as earrings and bracelets.
LeatherworkingThe use of leather to make armor, clothes, and bags.
MiningUsing a pickaxe to gather ores.
TailoringThe use of silk and cloth to craft items and clothes.
Weapon SmithingCrafting of Weapons.
Winemaking and BrewingFermenting and making wines and beers.
WoodcuttingChopping of trees.

Combat Skills

If crafting is not your thing and you prefer exploring and battling the dangers outside the Heartlands or within dungeons, then mastering the different Combat Skills is what you will want to strive for.

As seen below there are a wide range of weapons for you to master as well as blocking which can be very useful in fights.

AxesThe use of one or two-handed axes while fighting or hunting.
BlockLevels up when blocking attacks with a shield.
BowsUsing a bow or longbow to fight or hunt.
CrossbowsThe use of a small type of bow that uses bolts instead of arrows.
GreataxesA large, heavy battleaxe with a double-bladed head.
GreatmaulsA large two-handed mace.
GreatswordsLarge two-handed swords that require a lot of strength to wield.
HandspearsSpears that can be wielded with one hand. Generally used with shields.
Light PolearmsLong poles with a sharp tip. Similar to a spear.
MacesA one-handed weapon generally with a large round ball at the end.
PolearmsA close combat weapon that has a long shaft and usually a sharp end.
SledgehammersLarge two-handed hammer weapons.
SwordsA sharp blade with a handle. Generally used with a shield.
Two-Handed SpearsA spear that requires two hands to wield correctly. Used to fight with a reach advantage.
WarhammersHammer type weapons used generally with a shield.

These lists have changed over the last year, promising future skills to be introduced as the game develops, and more systems are implemented. Having things to level up and grind for is always a good thing, as long as it does not become a tedious job to do.

If you are struggling to find certain resources in Pax Dei take a look at our Pax Dei Resource List.

We will be updating this section as the game develops and updated by the devs. If you know anything we have not mentioned please join our Discord and let us know!


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