As you travel in the game, Impure iron is one of the earliest you need to mine, this ore can turn into an ingot using a furnace and unlock new recipes for weapons or equipment that will help the player to progress in the game. Equip your pickaxe and lets get mining!

Impure iron can be found in the Scrubland Biome and some of the land of the stone biome. You use a stone axe to mine this as this is one of the early ores you can craft and use to mine the other ores in-game.

Importance of Impure Iron
After getting impure iron you can turn this ore into ingot by using the basic furnace. If you equip your construction hammer, you can see these recipes in the building mode. To build a basic furnace you will need some 60 clay, 8 gneiss stone, and 12 short wood stock.

Upon opening the furnace, you can see the iron ingot. The ingredients in making this ingot are 40 impure iron and 80 charcoal for 20 iron ingots. The crafting time is 1 hour with 8 slots for the crafting queue.

after crafting an iron ingot you can use this to craft materials in stone anvil. You will need an Anvil stone that can be craftable in the “Basic Carpenters Workbench”. Once you craft anvil stone you will receive the recipe for “Stone anvil”, which has ingredients of 1 anvil stone, 10 sapwood, and 5 Gneiss.

Upon placing the Stone Anvil in your plot, you can now use the iron ingot to craft it into several types of iron materials that can help you create tools/weapons that can help you in hunting or mining. Basic forging gives you more options to craft, but it requires a higher blacksmithing level.

Aside from the recipe you can see on the anvil stone, there are more recipes to be unlocked once you have a basic forge. To create a basic forge, you need to craft basic bellows in the basic blacksmith’s workbench to unlock the recipe for it.

Upon opening the basic forge you will see the other recipe for iron, ingot which will unlock more recipes and as you craft these materials you will gain, Exp to get to your blacksmithing skills.

We hope this article helps you in finding impure iron ore and how to use it. We wish you good luck in finding more mineral ores.