How to Use the Scoreboard in Grounded’s Playground Update

Playgrounds are coming! Within this mode, you can access cool power-able objects, such as the Scoreboard in Grounded! Check out how to use the Scoreboard here!
Throne and Liberty Crossbow

The Throne And Liberty Crossbow is a one of a kind weapon in Throne And Liberty, devastating any PvE in its way
Throne and Liberty Longbow

The Throne and Liberty Longbow is 1 of 4 range weapons designed to engage their enemies out of melee range. The Longbow does an exceptional job at keeping enemies at bay using slows and roots
Throne and Liberty Daggers

The Throne And Liberty Daggers are the go to DPS offhand, with passives increasing your base critical hit and survivability actives like the camouflage cloak and the only silencing ability in the game
Throne and Liberty Sword

The Throne and Liberty Sword is a fairly versatile weapon designed with the holy trinity tank in mind
Throne and Liberty Staff

The Throne And Liberty Staff offers great AoE and single target damage while staying our of enemies melee range.
Throne and Liberty Wand

The Throne and Liberty Wand isn’t just your traditional healing weapon, while it does focus a small part of its abilities and passives on healing and the skill heal stat the weapon itself is also one of the major AoE dealing weapons
Throne and Liberty Greatsword

Everything we know about the Throne and Liberty Greatsword
Weapons in Throne And Liberty

A brief overview of all the currently known Weapons in Throne And Liberty
Return to Moria: How to Kill Narag-Shazon the Dragon

Learn how to defeat Narag-Shazon, the formidable dragon in LOTR Return to Moria, with expert tips and strategies.