A Pirates Life Tall Tale Journals
‘A Pirates Life’ Tall Tale has a total of 10 journals within the episode. Which are all located in Sailor’s Grave. 5 of the journals are for the ‘Tales of the Damned’ commendation and 5 of the journals are for ‘The Crew of the Headless Monkey’.
Completing these 2 commendations will put you that step closer to unlocking the Cursed Captain’s Sails, which is awarded for completing all commendations in the ‘A Pirates Life’ Tale.

Where to Start
Firstly, it is highly recommended to follow our ‘A Pirates Life‘ in-depth guide. This will help you navigate all the way through the tall tale until you get to Sailor’s Grave.
Sailor’s Grave is the starting point for finding all 10 journals. So make your way over to this area.
Tales of the Damned Journals
The first set of 5 journals that you can obtain is the ‘Tales of the Damned’. You can get these while progressing through the main story quest with the Cursed Captain.
You may have missed some on your journey so we have made a guide on where to find them all.
First Tales of the Damned Journal
Once you have reached the Sailors’ Grave, head towards the Tavern, which is a wrecked galleon ship. This is where the first journal is located.
This building is located in the south direction when you have lowered the Cursed Captain’s cage down.

Enter inside the building and head to the back of the tavern. You will see a set of stairs going to the top of the tavern.
Follow it around and make your way up there to locate the first journal. This is located on the table at the top of the ship.
The first journal is called ‘The Haul of a Lifetime’.

Second Tales of the Damned Journal
The second journal is not far from the first one that you have just acquired. Simply head back out of the tavern and run directly forward into the next closest building (East Direction).
You will notice two skeletons gambling inside the back of the broken ship.
Please check the image below for reference.

Head inside the opening, and you will notice the second journal is located on the table behind them.
This journal is called ‘Off the Edge of the Map’.

Third Tales of the Damned Journal
The third journal is located inside the front part (Hull) of the broken ship that you had to first walk across in order to let the Cursed Captains’ cage down.
It is best to start at the Cursed Captains Cage and head in a north / north-east direction. You are looking for a wooden pathway which leads you around to a locked door.

Walk up to the door and open it, you will be inside the front of the wrecked ship. Look towards the skeleton on the bed, you will notice the third journal on the table.
This journal is called ‘Dissent in the Ranks’.

Fourth Tales of the Damned Journal
After acquiring the key to the Cursed Captains’ cage, the Cursed Captain will recommend that you head towards the lighthouse in the distance (West direction).
This is the where the fourth journal is located, so head to the stone bridge with the Captain’s skull, you will notice the bridge starts rising up.

Make your way inside and up the lighthouse stairs, and you will notice just before you put the head onto the light keeper, the fourth journal is sitting on the bookcase at the top of the stairs.

This journal is called ‘Strange. Yet Familiar’.

Fifth Tales of the Damned Journal
In order to the get the fifth and final journal for the Tales of the Damned commendation, you will need to complete the lighthouse section of the main quest, where you will summon the Ferryman.
The Cursed Captain will now recommend that you take him to his ship (The one with the Red Sails) as seen in the image below.

Make your way back down the lighthouse with the Cursed Captains Skull and cross the stone bridge again. Look directly north and you will see a skeleton protecting a door with no head.

Put the skull onto the skeleton’s body and the captain will open the door for you. The Cursed Captain will then recommend that you take him to the Captains’ Quarters. So continue to make your way up the ship until you reach this.
Warning – DO NOT put the skull onto the body unless you have done all commendations as this is a point of no return.
Now, before you put the Captains Skull onto the Captains’ body which is on the desk. You will see the final and fifth journal.
This journal is called ‘Lights Out’.

You will now be awarded the ‘Tales of the Damned’ commendation in Sea of Thieves.
![]() | Tales of the Damned | Discover the 5 Cursed Captain’s Journals in Sailor’s Grave. |
The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journals
The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journals can only be obtained once you’ve completed the 5 commendations below in Sailors’ Grave. (This must be done in the same session).
You may have noticed when you first entered ‘Sailors Grave’ when you crossed the bridge. On your right side was a stone bridge that had been lowered. You may wonder how you can raise this up.

Well, this opens up once you’ve completed the 5 other commendations.
First The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journal
Once you’ve lit the secret brazier which was for the ‘Secret of the Grave‘ commendation, you will notice a sequence of torches, lighting up, which ends at the stone bridge.

Head over to the stone bridge which is near the start of the Sailors’ Grave and you will notice the bridge has been raised up.

Make your way across the bridge towards the abandoned shipwreck, go to the Helm (Steering wheel) to find the first journal on the floor besides the skeleton.
The first journal is called ‘Somewhere in the Caribbean’.

Second The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journal
After acquiring the first journal, look directly forward to the closest broken mast, and you will see the second journal, which is located nearby.
The second journal is called ‘Raising the Mad Monkey’.

Third The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journal
The third journal is located at the front of the wrecked ship, next to a lit lantern and the other broken mast.
The third journal is called ‘A Headless Monkey’.

Fourth The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journal
You may be wondering what to do with the Headless Monkey Key, which is located near the first journal.
It is required to open the Captains’ Cabin, which contains the fourth and fifth journals.

Grab the key and make your way to the back side of the boat. Follow the wooden pathway around to the other side of the ship. This leads you to the Captain’s Cabin locked door.

Use the key, and you will now notice the fourth journal is located on the table.
The fourth journal is called ‘A Fateful Pursuit’.

Fifth The Crew of the Headless Monkey Journal
Once you obtained the Headless Monkey Key and unlocked the Captain’s Cabin and managed to find the fourth journal, you will also notice the fifth journal, which is located on the left side of the room on the bookcase.
The fifth journal is called ‘A Fateful Pursuit’.

You will now have achieved the ‘The Crew of the Headless Monkey’ commendation in Sea of Thieves.
![]() | The Crew of the Headless Monkey | Discover the 5 Headless Monkey’s Captain Journals. |