The Alchemists Mortar Quest is one of the Main Story Quests in Enshrouded which is a short 4 part quest found relatively early on in your Enshrouded Journey!

You are tasked to Search the Alchemist’s Tower. Find the Alchemist’s Mortar in order to unlock more crafting recipes. It’s hidden in the Alchemist Tower in Lone Thistle, somewhere below the surface!
Alchemists Mortar Tower Location
We started just south of the quest location on the map, remember you can show the quest location by pressing “Show on Map” in your journal. This gives you the rough location of the area of the quest. We ended up climbing the mountain behind the tower which allowed us to fly down onto it. So be aware on this guide we’re working top down rather than down up! :D

Switch 1
On the 2nd Floor, just above the shroud there is a switch inside the tower in sitting just inside the fireplace, you will need to activate this switch, we think, to gain entry to a door in the lower depths of the basement.

When you’re ready, head down into the basement into shroud. Afterwards, as you reach the basement you will see two doors, enter the one on the left and you will see the Alchemists Mortar infront of you!

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