Enshrouded is finally out with gamers stocked to give it a go. In Enshrouded you are Flameborn, the last ember of hope of a dying race. Awaken, survive the terror of a corrupting fog, and reclaim the lost beauty of your kingdom. Venture into a vast world, vanquish punishing bosses, build grand halls, and forge your path in this co-op survival action RPG for up to 16 players. Find out where you need to go to free the Carpenter.

Ancient Vault Carpenter Location
In order to free the Carpenter you will first need to make your way to the Ancient Vault Carpenter, after finding your way there you will need to either run your way through or defeat all the enemies standing in your way.

If you intend to fight your way through make sure you are ready and geared up, we highly recommend being at least level 7 with a ranged weapon like a wand. The area has two floating enemies that would be extremely hard to defeat using melee. We also recommend bring at least a pickaxe or some explosive powder balls to break through the build up of ruble in front of the door.

Carpenter Location
After reaching the final room you will unlock the Carpenter Location waypoint signifying you have found the Carpenter, he will be stuck in the pod on the left hand side of the room. Watch out for the level 7 floating monster located in the room though as this enemy will do a lot of damage to any unprepared explorer.

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