Have you leveled up and gained sufficient skills from your previous quests? Or have you crafted decent weapons or amors from the good loot of your first boss, Fell Thunderbrute? Either way. let’s continue with our Adventure and explore the different sections of the vast map of Enshrouded. In this guide, we will show you climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded! Isn’t that cool? Let’s go then.
Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands (Knowledge)

What are the benefits of completing or finding Ancient Spires, as you may ask? Ancient Spires are incredibly tall towers that if conquered, can be an easy way of traveling through enshrouded. Ancient Spires act as Fast Travel Points for players to easily access loot and materials around that region. So let’s begin your journey on Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded!
Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands (Reaching the Spire)
First things first, you will need a grappling hook for this journey. If you have not crafted it yet. Here are the required materials for crafting.

The Metal Scraps are found on fighting enemies from your previous quest. Also, The Shroud Spores are looted from defeated enemies while in the shroud.

Through the Braelyn Bridge. Let’s pack our food. Thus, equip our weapons.

Keep on heading to the marker until you see the bridge.

See that massive tower? That’s your destination. The Bridge in front is the Braelyn Bridge. Cross it using your Grappling Hook.
Braelyn Bridge

To use a grappling hook, Press E and you must have sufficient stamina and a grappling hook mount before you can use it. Then, continue straight, to finish climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded.

Search this decomposed body for loot. There are other items to be looted on the bridge. make sure to check them.
Swinging like a hero can also be done through the grappling hook. just make sure you have momentum or sprint before you use it.

Once you have reached the other end, turn your back and you will see a chest. Time to loot it.

Be careful as there are traps and it deals quite of damage. Continue straight ahead.

This archer is your first enemy, defeat him and claim his belongings.

If you remember, the left path leads to the ancient vault location wherein you unlock your Blacksmith, Oswald Anders! For this quest, head to the left path and continue until you see a gate.

Use your grappling hook here to climb this blocked path. Be careful as there is another enemy after you climb up.

Use your long-range weapons to defeat this guy. Then descend the platform.
Turn your back again. hidden chest and a lore book for you to discover.

Continue the curved path from the left to reach the entrance of the spire.
Stop by this abandoned camp and there is another lore book here and several gatherable items. Now, head over to the spire’s entrance.

You have reached the spire. There is a return beacon here. so don’t be afraid to climb the spire and do your best. Let’s move on to the next part on Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded.
Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands (Climbing the Spire)

The next big move on this “Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded” is to climb the first floor of the Spire. Interact with this red glowing teleporter. It acts as an elevator.
First Floor

From the teleporter, head to the left until you see a button.
Press it, and it will open the door from the left. Inside the chamber, you will see a chest. Claim the loot, head back to the teleporter, and climb the stairs from the right.

Sprint, then use the grappling hook to swing your way to the next platform. Open the door and continue.

For the next stage, drop from the first ledge and do not use a grappling hook, just drop down carefully.

From the stairs, there is a chest hidden behind the barrels. Go claim its treasures. Climb the stairs.

Use the teleporter again to climb to the next floor. Well done on completing the first one!
Second Floor

From the teleporter, jump across to the grate and instead of going to the right. follow the arrow and head over to the elevated part. Be sure to have a lot of stamina as climbing these takes a lot of energy.

Shoot this button with an arrow or your wand, and the doors from below and to your right will now open.

Claim this treasure before you head down to the next teleporter.

Use the teleporter to head to the third floor.
Third Floor

This level needs your timing skills and sprinting skills. Run to the left after this corridor, where there is a light. That will be your first stop.

Time the spikes again, then run to the left until you reach the second door. Open it and continue to the next part.

Now. time to test parkour skills.

Use Sprint Jump to reach the next platform.

Climb this grid to press the button from above. Now, Cross your way through the teleporter.

Open the chest from the door in front before using the teleporter. If you have claimed the goods, head over to the next floor.

This is the top floor of the spire. Light the flame to remove the darkness that surrounds the top part of the spire. You’re almost there, finish climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded!

Connect with the fire to finalize your journey through Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded. The flame will confirm that you’ve activated this spire as your initial fast travel point. It also reveals that unlocking various spires worldwide will unveil the ancient wisdom of Embervale.
With that, you’ve finished Climbing the Ancient Spire – Springlands in Enshrouded! Well done on navigating the puzzles and mazes within. We trust this guide has been beneficial. For more enshrouded guides, visit our website and join our Discord Community to connect with fellow players and adventurers. We look forward to seeing you there!