Defeating the Fell Cyclops in Enshrouded

The Fell Cyclops

This late-game One-eyed behemoth with laser-based attacks that deals a lot of damage even with the toughest armor will put all your skills and preparation to test. Even If you’re gonna fight it solo or in multiplayer, defeating the Fell Cyclops still demands careful strategy, knowledge of its attack-pattern, and proper resources to use.

Locating the Fell Cyclops

The Fell Cyclops can be found deep within the Elixir Well. This Elixir well is situated on the higher reaches of the Albaneve Summits, below the Howling Peak. To reach this location, head northeast of the Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summit. (Refer to the image below for the pathway)

Essential Preparation

Frost Resistance

Before you go to the Elixir Well, there is an extreme cold in this region, so you need to have frost resistance. Players/Flameborns without frost resistance will be at risk of hypothermia, making survival nearly impossible. Equip yourself with frost-resistant gear (late game armors), consumables, and foods that provide Frost Resistance before venturing towards the Elixir Well.

Recommended Level

The mobs around the Elixir Well are level 30, but once inside, you’ll face level 32 enemies, including the Fell Cyclops itself. Reach level 30 with late game weapons and armor, so that you won’t have a hard time in the Elixir Well.

Navigating the Elixir Well

Upon entering the Elixir Well, proceed cautiously. You’ll encounter a series of shroud roots that need to be destroyed to progress where the last being guarded by the Fell Cyclops. (The image below shows that I’m in the respawn orb outside)

First Shroud Root

Defeating the Flying Fell Mage: From the Respawn Orb, move straight ahead until you reach the flying fell mage, kill it then go straight forward.

Defeating the Horde: As you go forward, a horde of fell soldier will come out. Use long range attack to the explosive barrels to clear out some of their numbers. Use AOE (Area of Effect) attack to easily defeat the horde. A mini-boss guarded by archers will be the last to come out. Take down these enemies carefully.

Areas with Cranes: As you go deeper into the Elixir Well, you will encounter an area filled with cranes and wheels.

Grapple Below: Defeat the archer below, then grapple across.

Flying with the Wind: Leverage the wind to reach the area with the first shroud root. Defeat the guards, then destroy the root to proceed.

Destroy the Root: Use an axe to remove it easily

Second Shroud Root

Locating the Second Shroud Root: After destroying the First Shroud Root, the shrouded air will clear out. You will then be able to see the Second Shroud Root (refer to the image below).

Fly with the Wind: Fly to the next area by utilizing the wind.

Destroy Critter Nest: Use long-range AOE attacks to defeat the critters easily. Destroy the critters’ nest to prevent them from spawning.

Remove the Second Root: With the nest cleared, destroy the second shroud root to clear out the shrouded air.

Third Shroud Root and The Fell Cyclops

Locating the Third Shroud Root: Once the second root is destroyed, locate the grappling hook near the Second Shroud Root.

Grapple Upwards: Prepare for the boss battle as you grapple up, as you will enter the boss room once you go up.

Killing the Fell Cyclops: You need to kill the Fell Cyclops first to destroy the Third Shroud Root easily.

Fell Cyclops’ Attack Patterns

The Fell Cyclops has six primary attack patterns. Try to familiarize yourself with each attack pattern to gain the upper-hand against the Fell Cyclops.

One-Way Laser Attack

  • The Cyclops will shoot a laser beam that travels from the ground and then directly at you. Dodge sideways to avoid being hit by this powerful beam.

Targeted Laser Attack

  • This attack locks onto you and follows your movement. To evade it, circle around the Cyclops until you can reach its back, attack its back to deal a lot of damage (Backstab damage).

Side-to-Side Laser Attack

  • A rapid side-to-side laser attack occurs when you’re in mid-close proximity. If you react fast enough, dodging backwards will prevent you from getting hit. Try to stay far away to not trigger this move.

Ground Rupture

  • The Cyclops slams the ground (this does not deal any damage), disorienting players and sending them airborne. Use your glider to safely land and avoid fall damage.
  • You can dodge this by jumping right before his hands touches the ground.

Hammer Attack

  • If you are close enough, it will use its hammer to slam the ground.

Ground Stomp

  • If you are under the Fell Cyclops, it will stomp the ground, which will release shrouded air in a small area.

Before the Fight

If you don’t want critters to get in your way while fighting the Fell Cyclops, you need to run around the boss area and trigger all of their spawn spot. Lure the horde into one area then defeat it with an AOE attack.

Loot and Rewards

Defeating the Fell Cyclops yields significant rewards. You can loot its head, which can be used to upgrade your Flame level to Level 7; this will allow you explore shrouded areas which requires flame level 7 and also extend your time in the shrouded area.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Where can I find the Fell Cyclops?
The Fell Cyclops is located inside the Elixir Well, northeast of the Ancient Spire at the Albaneve Summits.

Do I need frost resistance for the Elixir Well?
Frost resistance is required for surviving the cold in the Elixir Well. You need to at least have +15 Frost Resistance before you enter.

What level should I be to defeat the Fell Cyclops?
You need to reach at least level 30, with late-game gears, so you won’t have a hard time.

Can I defeat the Fell Cyclops solo, or is it better in multiplayer?
While solo play is possible, multiplayer makes it easier to manage the critter spawns and focus on the boss.

What rewards do I get for defeating the Fell Cyclops?
You’ll obtain the Fell Cyclops Head, which allows you to upgrade your Flame level to Level 7.

The Enshrouded‘s end-game content will test the player’s skill, now that it is more harder than ever. With the effects of frost resistance coupled with knowledge of the Fell Cyclops’ attack patterns and efficient usage of AOE attacks to control critters, you’re well in this duel. Whether you go solo or team up, this guide will definitely help you defeat the Fell Cyclops.


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