Fell Dragon Youngling in Enshrouded

Defeating the Fell Dragon Youngling

The Fell Dragon Youngling is one of the most challenging bosses introduced in Enshrouded. With devastating attacks capable of instantly killing players, it requires careful preparation, strategy, and skill. This guide will help you unlock, locate, and defeat the Fell Dragon Youngling.

Preparation for the Questline

Flame Level 7

To defeat the Fell Dragon Youngling, you must first unlock the questline “Slaying the Corrupted Beast,” which is by levelling up your Flame Strength to Level 7. Once this is achieved, “The Flame” will want to talk with you and provide you with the quest to face the Fell Dragon Youngling.

Level 35+

Your character must be at least Level 35 or higher to increase the number of your skills and improve your chances of winning. Having late-game armors and weapons is also recommended.

Frost Resistance

The dragon resides in a frost-heavy region; the Albaneve Summits. Equip gears or use consumables that provide Frost resistance. You need to have at least +15 Frost Resistance to survive the freezing environment.

+1 Frost resistance typically last for 1 minute and 30 seconds (+15 Frost resistance means having approximately 22 minutes of time in the cold environment)—always watch your timer, running out will result in Hypothermia (almost insta-death).

Lighting the 8 Balefires

Set Up a Fast Travel Point

Reach the Howling Peak, the central location for the quest. Place a Flame Altar at any area of the mountain’s summit to establish a fast travel point.

This will make navigation easier as you prepare to awaken the Fell Dragon (lighting the Balefires), and when you’re going to fight the Fell Dragon.

Balefires Location

To awaken the Fell Dragon Youngling, you must light 8 Balefires scattered across the map.

Balefires are located at the following points (Refer to the map shown):

Balefire Garrison “Silkfrost”
East of Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits.

Balefire Garrison “Rimerock”
Also east of Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits.

Everfrore Keep
North of Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits.

Balefire Garrison “White Pine”
West of Ancient Spire – Albaneve Summits.

Balefire Tower “1000 Miles”
West of Howling Peak.

Balefire Garrison “Windward”
Southwest of Howling Peak.

Balefire Stronghold “Iron Heart”
North of Howling Peak.

Balefire Stronghold “Lance Point”
East of Howling Peak.

The Fell Dragon Youngling Awakens

Once all 8 Balefires are lit, the Fell Dragon Youngling will awaken (spawn) at the summit of Howling Peak.

The battle takes place in the “Ring” Arena, a platform at the top of the mountain surrounded by a deadly red shroud. Falling into the shroud will kill you within seconds.

Tip: Utilize the upward-propelling winds around the ring to avoid falling and dodge the dragon’s attacks.

Combat Strategies

Before the Fight

  • Stock Up on Potions: Bring plenty of health potions, as the burn damage from its attack will definitely tear your HP apart.
  • Buff Yourself: Eat foods that boost endurance and stamina regeneration to aid in dodging.

Stun Bar Mechanics

To maximize damage, fill the Fell Dragon’s Stun Bar (white bar below its HP bar) to ground it temporarily. While stunned, the dragon is vulnerable, and your damage output will increase significantly.

Methods to Fill Stun Bar:

  • Archer Builds: Use Stun Arrows.
  • Mage Builds: Cast the Lightning Spell.
  • Melee Builds: Parry the rocks thrown by the dragon using a shield with high parry power.

Note: After the Fell Dragon Youngling’s Stun phase, waves of Fell Birds will spawn. Prioritize eliminating these mobs to avoid distractions during the fight.

Attack Patterns and Dodge Tips

Phase 1: Inner Ring Combat

Rock Rain

  • The dragon rains down hot rocks across the Ring arena.
  • Tip: Parry the rocks to deflect them back at the dragon and fill the Stun Bar.

Lock-on Breath

  • A laser-like fire breath attack locks onto you.
  • Tip: Try to move fast and use the winds to evade.

Area Breath

  • A slow but devastating fire breath sweeps the arena. Getting hit will stun you, ultimately killing you with its breath.
  • Tip: Fly outside the ring using the surrounding wind currents.

Phase 2: Outer Ring Combat

In this phase, the dragon moves to the outer edges of the ring, altering its attack patterns:

Side-to-Side Breath

  • The dragon releases a laser-like fire breath at foot level.
  • Tip: Jump to avoid the breath.

Red Gust of Wind

  • A non-damaging attack that pushes you off the ring.
  • Tip: Use the winds to fly back quickly.

Lock-on Breath

  • Functions the same as Phase 1.

Transition Back to Phase 1:

The fell dragon will fly upwards, then it will fly towards the inner ring while attacking the area where you’re standing. It will then return to the inner ring, resetting back to Phase 1 attack pattern.

Persistence is Key

Note that it is okay to die. The dragon’s health remains as it was when you were defeated. Focus on learning its attack patterns, and perfecting your timing (especially in parrying).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do I unlock the quest to fight the Fell Dragon Youngling?
To unlock/get the quest “Slaying the Corrupted Beast,” you need to raise your Flame Strength to Level 7.

What is the minimum Frost Resistance required for the Howling Peak region?
You need at least +15 Frost Resistance to survive the freezing temperatures. This typically lasts for around 20 minutes, so ensure you have enough gear or potions to maintain it.

How do I light the 8 Balefires?
The Balefires are scattered across the Albaneve Summits and areas surrounding Howling Peak. Follow the guide above or consult your map to locate and light each one. Ensure you’ve set up a Flame Altar at Howling Peak to fast-travel easily.

What should I do if I fall off the Ring Arena during the fight?
If you fall off, use the upward-propelling winds around the arena to fly back up. Be quick, as staying in the red shroud for too long will result in instant death.

How can I fill the Fell Dragon’s Stun Bar?

  • Archers: Use Stun Arrows to build the Stun Bar.
  • Mages: Cast the Lightning Spell to increase the stun meter.
  • Melee Fighters: Parry the dragon’s rock attacks with a shield. The higher your shield’s parry power, the faster the Stun Bar fills.

Once the Stun Bar is full, the dragon will temporarily land, giving you a window to deal massive damage.

The Fell Dragon Youngling is the newest and the hardest boss Enshrouded has released. But by following this guide and learning/memorizing its attack patterns, you’ll have everything you need to get that victory.


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