In need of Forest Beet in Enshrouded? Welcome to our complete guide to finding Forest Beet! Here we’ll talk about all there is to know to farm this veggie in the game from the easiest starting point to farming! Let’s begin.
Forest Beet In Enshrouded
Before we start on the path to find the Forest Beet in Enshrouded, let’s start with its appearance! Starting with its appearance would make it easier to spot this elusive veggie! For its in-game appearance, Forest Beet in Enshrouded looks just like a normal little bush but do not be fooled! Be sure to interact with this little veggie and you’ll be surprised! Beet! Its large leaves grow on thin stems from a plump body embedded in the ground.

Finding Forest Beet In Enshrouded
Where To Start – Revelwood Ancient Spire
To start, the best location to begin our journey would be the Ancient Spire located in Revelwood. Here, you’ll have a view of everything below and have a better sense of direction as well as using your map and your compass.

Carpentry Camp
From the spire, head Southwest to the Carpentry Camp. Gliding from the top of the spire cuts time on travel on the way to the Camp.

Arriving On Camp
Once you’ve arrived at the Carpentry Camp, look to the cliff edge next to the tents. That will be our next location!

Descend The Cliff
After walking over to the cliff edge, look down and carefully glide down below to the lower level of the area. Useful tip, placing a Flame Shrine makes farming this veggie easier by using fast travel! This is also useful for transportation.

Claim Your Prize!
Once you’ve safely landed on the ground using your glider, look around! A gold mine of Forest Beets ripe for the picking! Around the area, there should be a handful of Forest beets for players to harvest so be sure to keep on the lookout!

Forest Beet In Enshrouded Walkthrough
We hope you found this guide useful to your adventures in Enshrouded. For more content like this, look into our Enshrouded Homepage or join our official Discord Channel for other content, news, and more guides! Happy harvest.