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Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide

Palia is a cosy sandbox experience that features various beautiful biomes to explore and discover. Within the world of Palia, each player can take part in numerous activities. These activities are your Skills, where you can forage, hunt, mine, cook and more. To navigate many of these Skills however, you will have to meet up with the Palia NPC’s (also known as Friendly Faces) and learn from them! Several of the NPCs in Palia own a Guild based on a particular Skill in the game. Let’s check out each of the Friendly Faces and their expertise, quests and more!


Auni is the youngest son of Badruu and Delailah, he loves to catch bugs and he’s in charge of delivering the village’s letters and mail. He’s an energetic, warm-hearting friend to all, and is always willing to lend a hand to help. Auni is also the main Palia NPC for Bug Catching! Auni will have a number of quests and purchasable items for Bug Catching.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide Auni


Ashura is a pillar of Kilima. Ashura runs the Ormuu’s Horn Inn. He’s always available and ready to help anyone in need, and provide guidance when asked. Ashura is also the Guild leader of the Foraging Guild! As a result, Ashura is the main Palia NPC for foraging and your one-stop shop to that Skill!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide Ashura image


Badruu is the father of Nai’o and Auni, and the local farmer. His kind and generous nature almost makes up for his horrible puns. Badruu is the main NPC and Guild Leader of Gardening!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide badruu image


Caleri is the twin sister of Elouisa. Caleri is serious, strict, and a diligent librarian. She has a low tolerance for nonsense. Despite this, she’ll never turn someone away who’s trying to learn, and would be happy to help you find the perfect book.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide caleri


The priest of the local Dragon Shrine. Chayne is the spiritual leader of Kilima, and friendly with almost everyone in the village.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide chayne


Elouisa is the twin sister of Caleri. Elouisa has a passion for knowledge, though she has less orthodox ways of exploring her interests. You may find her out and about exploring old ruins, and she’s always excited to share her latest theories.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide elouisa


Einar is a kind and thoughtful Galdur. Einar is also the village’s Fishing expert. He can be found at his fishing hut, and is more than happy to spread the love of his craft to others. Einar is the main Palia NPC for the Fishing Guild. Make sure to visit Einar for his Friendly Face Store and quests!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide einar


Eshe is Kenli’s wife. Eshe is the real power behind the village, and keeps everything running smoothly. Eshe can often be found in the Town Hall.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide eshe

Hassian & Tau

Hassian is the son of Sifuu and a quiet hunter. Hassian spends most of his time in the wilderness of Kilima, hunting game and spending time with his faithful companion, Tau. Hassian is the main Palia NPC and Guild Leader of the Hunting Skill. As a result, for everything like shopping for Hunting items, or quests – Hassian is your man!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide hassian


A Galdur that is often seen with Jina. Hekla is kind and warm. Hekla also uses her large size to take care of her friends. You will often see Hekla roaming around the village of Kilima.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide hekla


Hodari is the father of Najuma and the leader of the Mining Guild. Hodari can be found coming into town occasionally, or by the mines in Bahari Bay. He works hard to be a good father for his Daughter. Hodari is the Palia NPC that owns the Mining Guild Store & Quests!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide hodari


Jel is the village’s fashion icon. He has an eye for all things cosmetics and clothing. He can be found in his Tailoring Shop and often hangs around Tish, a close friend who models for him on occasion. Jel is also the main Palia NPC for the Premium Store in the game!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide Jel


Jina is our resident researcher! Jina can usually be found in the ruins or in the library. She loves researching the history of Palia, and is working to unravel the mysteries of the past. Jina can often be found with Hekla nearby! Jina also is the main Friendly Face that helps you through parts of the Main Questline.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide jina


Kenli is the Mayor of Kilima, he’s a very laid-back man with a kind disposition. Kenli helps you out with your housing plots early and building your first house! At a certain point, you’ll have to help Kenli find his Lost Sandwich too!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide kenli


Kenyatta is the Mayor’s daughter. Her hobbies include annoying her Mother, and (begrudgingly) working at Town Hall. She can be difficult to impress, but her wit is unmatched. Kenyatta will assist you in your housing needs.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide kenyatta


A shy but brave young girl, and daughter of Hodari. She has a brilliant mind and uses it to think up many innovative inventions. She may even ask your help to create some new ones! Najuma is the main NPC that gives you the quest to create your own Glider!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide najuma


Nai’o is a hardworking young man, he’s the first son of Badruu and Delailah. He’s following his Path to become a farmer, and though he’s not a deep thinker, he has a kind heart.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide nai'o


A talented cook, a devoted brother, and a handsome young man. Reth can usually be found working in Ormuu’s Horn Inn, and can whip you up a delicious meal with a smile! Reth is the main NPC for Cooking in Palia!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide reth


Sifuu is a former monster fighter with an iron will. Sifuu is Mother to Hassian, and the village blacksmith. She loves to work out, and her personality is somehow even larger than her biceps.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide sifuu


Tish is an artist in her own right, Tish is a master at furniture crafting. She sells the furniture she makes, as well as leads the Furniture Crafting Guild. She’s always a bright face to speak with if you’re ever in need of help! Tish is the main Palia NPC for the Furniture Store and quests!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide tish


Tamala is a mysterious woman who can often be found in the woods, looking for ingredients for her latest tinctures. Not much is known about her, though most villagers may caution you to stay away. Tamala is usually in Bahari Bay, with quests to give!

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide tamala


An excellent businessperson and the only Grimalkin (currently) in Kilima. Zeki is savvy, smart, and clever. He runs the local general store and even has a special device called Zeki’s Machine that can grant you rare items (with luck!).

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide zeki

Village Map Overview

As seen on the Map by pressing “M”, you can check either Kilima Village or Bahari Bay for NPC locations! Use this to guide your way to the Friendly Faces you need, you can also highlight a Palia NPC by clicking the Scroll Wheel down.

Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide village map

And that concludes our Complete Palia NPC Friendly Faces Guide! Heading out into a new adventure can be overwhelming at times. However, with the help of your Palian friends, anything is possible! check out and join our Community Discord! We look forward to seeing you there.


Kelvin The Son of the Forest

Kelvin The Son of the Forest

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