Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

After months of waiting since its announcement Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest, In a surprise news letter post earlier today we got our first look at a timeframe for their first public playtest.

Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

For the keen eyed among you there was an option to receive “Updates about Pax Dei” when signing up to their alpha testing. We now finally know how they intend to keep us up to date. Today we got PxD Record #1 in our inboxes.

Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

“You read it here first!”

Under the “What will come next” header we got a surprise announcement, “We can’t wait to let more people in during our first public test planned for later this year!” Quite the shocker to wake up to. Confirming Pax Dei should be playable to some extent for a wider playtesting audience before the end of the year. For those wanting to read their full PxD Record #1 you can check out our full detailed breakdown here.

Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

PxD Record #1

PxD Record #1 Sums up all that has happend since the official announcement for Pax Dei back in March, in a simple 4 stage newsletter we got a small recap, concurrent events and their special announcement on what’s to come. Their first public playtest.

Pax Dei reveals their first public playtest

For more Pax Dei updates and related news make sure to check out our dedicated Pax Dei category and wishlist Pax Dei on steam.


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