Among the Blue Jays – The Legendary Ghost Glider in Enshrouded

If you’ve made it this far in Enshrouded you’re probably a bit of a veteran quester by now! Among the Blue Jays is a fun but challenging quest with an awesome reward at the End… The Legendary Ghost Glider!

The Ghost Glider

With improved stats than the Extrondary Glider, the Ghost Glider is the best there is in Enshrouded. Giving you a 250% range boost, 25 Speed, and only 4 Stamina Per Second, this Glider is going to help you get around the map fast!

We start our journey at the Kindlewastes Fast Travel Ancient Spire, and from here we’re looking to head directly south. The Kindlewastes Fast Travel sits really high up so you can fast travel most of your way there!

You’re heading towards the town in the background which we’ve circled in green, Scatterbone. As you can see from our screenshot, we tried to attempt this quest a little early in the game and we were flying over a deadly shroud! Haha, oops!

Scatterbone Town – Among the Blue Jays

Once you reach Scatterbone town, get ready for a battle! The mobs here are level 30 deal a lot of damage and have a lot of health so make sure you have your skills ready and your weapons upgraded!

Once you have defeated all the enemies in the courtyard. Head up to the tower and get your bow and arrow ready. You will see there are 3 Lights above the door indicating that we need to flip 3 light switches to get us inside.

Switch 1 and Switch 2

As you can see from this image there are two lights on either side of the door! Easy to miss if you’re focusing on the door. Shoot them both with a bow and arrow.

Switch 3

Another light switch is hidden in plain sight! Head towards the door and turn around and you will see the light switch above the arch.

Once you’ve got the 3 Switches lit up, head to the bottom of the tower, and let’s start the ascent! But first, more switches. Once inside you are going to need to find 4 Switches to enter the centre of the tower and start the climb!

Tower Ascent

Switch 1

You will find the first Switch outside on the balcony to the west side of the tower.

Switch 2

On the side side of the tower, you will find a Switch high up, you will need to shoot this with a bow and arrow to activate it!

Switch 3

On the west side of the tower, you will find a hole in the wall looking into the center of the tower! Inside you will see a switch which you need to shoot with your bow and arrow again to activate.

Switch 4

Finally head to the north side of the room, next to the door you will enter, and you will see a bookshelf that can be moved! Behind the bookshelf is the final light switch you can press to open the door.

Once you have activated the 4th Switch, head through the door and start the ascent to the top of the tower! This is a super fun climb, but be careful of the small ledges and dragons! If you need a helping hand to figure the way up the tower, take a look at our video below.

Among the Blue Jays – Ghost Glider

Congratulations, you’ve reached the top and inside the Golden Chest will be your brand new Enshrouded Ghost Glider. If you found this helpful, check out our Enshrouded Homepage. You can join our Community Discord as well to keep up-to-date with everything Enshrouded!


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