This tutorial will teach you the history of the Great Furnace, how to light it, and lead you on an exploration into Moria’s depths. Come along on this quest to uncover Middle-earth’s secret treasures and decipher the code of this legendary dwarven forge. Welcome, dwarves, to the lesson on activating the Great Furnace of Narvi in “The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria.”

Great Furnace of Narvi Location
Discovering new sceneries along the way will reward you with surprises and engaging stories to go along with the game’s narrative. Imagine being welcomed by the warmth of the sun, running into goblins and bears, and seeing the enormous stone structure that holds the Great Furnace when you arrive at the enchanted Elven Quarter in Return to Moria. But to rekindle its flames, you’ll have to get your hands dirty and tackle the task of bringing it back to life.

How to Activate the Great Furnace of Narvi
Begin by entering a room that is next in the elven quarters, in the western halls. You will then discover a dark room, basically the Great Furnace of Narvi itself. Once you’ve entered the room, you’ll find that the furnace doesn’t work because some parts need to be replaced for it to be functional for the players. Several items are required for you to activate the power of the Great Furnace of Narvi.

Getting the Replacement Parts
To activate the Great Furnace of Narvi, players must find or craft the missing components necessary for its operation. These components include a Replacement Pipe, Replacement Gear, and Replacement Crank, all of which can be found within the room or be crafted using your iron ingots. Rest assured, the considerable effort invested in restoring this legendary furnace will yield advantageous results.

Replacement Crank
Locating the Crank is a straightforward task. You’ll discover it resting on the ground immediately beside the furnace. This particular piece is an integral part of the mechanism itself. Just approach it, pick it up, and proceed to position it onto the handle of the device to initiate the repair process for the initial component.

Replacement Gear
The Gear is also conveniently situated near the furnace. To the left of the furnace, you’ll notice a flight of stairs. Just a short distance past these stairs, you’ll find the Gear propped against the wall. Retrieve the Gear and ascend the staircase. You’ll encounter a designated slot on the wall where you can easily fit the Gear into its proper place.

Replacement Pipes
Lastly, getting the Replacement Pipes for the Great Furnace of Narvi is probably one of the trickiest parts of this mission, as it’s not situated as close to the Great Narvi Furnace as the other components. Just before entering the furnace, within the large room, there’s a small orc camp guarding the entrance. Adjacent to the Orc camp lies a small enclave tucked between the walls, where you can spot the Replacement Pipe resting against one of the walls.

Once you secure it, return to the furnace and ascend the stairs on the right. When you reach the upper level, hit the R key to activate the throwing mode, enabling you to toss the replacement pipe to the upper level. Leap after it swiftly and retrieve it before it plummets, ensuring you can then place it in the designated location for repairs.

Activated Great Furnace of Narvi
Once you’ve successfully assembled all the components and triggered the activation of the Great Furnace of Narvi, be ready for a clash as a horde of adversaries will descend upon you. Therefore, make sure you are well-prepared for combat. It’s worth noting that the smaller goblins are notably less formidable than usual, so it’s advisable to locate a strategic chokepoint to hold your ground, which should enable you to handle the situation effectively.

The ability to use Steel recipes and associated materials in your home base furnace is another important advantage that you’ll have if the furnace is successfully activated. You will be able to construct useful things like the eregion spear and the steel pickaxe using these materials.

Engaging the Great Furnace of Narvi in “The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria” is a demanding yet fruitful undertaking, allowing players to gain access to extensive Middle-earth knowledge and obtain key Steel forging techniques. The restoration of this fabled dwarven forge provides warmth and light, as well as opening doors to thrilling adventures deep within Moria. Please let us know in the discord channel of our community if you found this post useful. Visit our site to view further tutorials for LOTR Return To Moria!