The Watcher in the Water
One of the most formidable foes you’ll encounter in The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is the menacing Watcher in the Water. This giant octopus-looking creature guards the Great Drain Pumps of the Lower Deeps. It is a tough enemy to fight but we will show you exactly what is needed to defeat it.

Where is The Watcher in the Water in LOTR: Return to Moria?
The first step in defeating the Watcher in the Water is to locate it. This powerful creature can be found in the Great Drain Pumps of the Lower Deeps. As you venture into this area, you’ll notice a massive dam with an artificial lake, creating a visually striking backdrop. There’s also a Map Stone located in this region, and it’s highly advisable to activate it since this area often serves as the central hub within The Lower Deeps.

To approach the Watcher in the Water, you’ll need to reach the pump house on the opposite side of the reservoir. This requires constructing a bridge to cross over. As you proceed, you’ll spot a submerged stone platform not far from the shoreline. Continue building the bridge, and this is where the Watcher in the Water will make its menacing appearance, smashing some of your Piers and initiating a ferocious attack.

The Right Weapon for the Job
You’ll quickly discover that traditional weapons, including arrows, are entirely ineffective against the Watcher in the Water. Even if you possess Elven Arrows crafted out of Elven Wood won’t make a dent. To stand a chance against this formidable boss, you’ll need the right weapon.

Your trusty bow is rendered useless in this fight. Instead, you’ll require a ranged weapon with far more firepower. The key to victory in The LOTR: Return to Moria’s Watcher in the Water Boss Fight is to wield the First Age Crossbow, paired with First Age Bolts. No other ranged weapon will suffice when facing this aquatic behemoth.

Crafting the First Age Crossbow
To get your hands on the First Age Crossbow, you’ll first need to unlock the recipe by repairing broken statues. Once that’s done, you must gather the necessary components for crafting:

- 2 Silver Ingot
- 1 Ruby
- 8 Ubasam Wood
- 3 Natural Fibers
Silver and Ubasam Wood are commonly found throughout The Lower Deeps on the map but obtaining a Ruby can be a bit harder. You can find Rubies in Orkish Chests or in The Darkest Deeps.

Stocking Up on Ammo
In addition to the First Age Crossbow, you’ll also need ammunition to take on the Watcher in the Water. You can craft First Age Bolts at the Workbench, with each crafting cycle producing 15 Bolts using 1 Silver Ingot and 10 Ubasam Wood. We recommend crafting at least 30 First Age Bolts to ensure you have an ample supply for the upcoming battle.

The Battle Plan
Armed with the First Age Crossbow and First Age Bolts, head to the area where the Watcher in the Water resides. To effectively damage the creature, you must target its eye with the First Age Crossbow. This is the only way to inflict significant harm.

Be prepared for the consequences of your attack. When you hit the eye, a horde of Orcs will spawn on the stone platform where you’re fighting the Watcher.

Don’t panic; there’s a way to avoid this additional conflict. Head to the right-most part of the map, as Orcs don’t spawn in this area. This strategic move not only spares you from dealing with the Orcs but also gives you the high ground advantage, making it easier to target the Watcher’s Eyes.

Hitting the Mark
To defeat the Watcher in the Water you need to shoot him multiple times unless you hit his eye. Hitting his eye only requires 4 shots. After each successful attack, the Watcher will vanish beneath the water and become invulnerable until it resurfaces. The quickest way to bring it down is to shoot its eye each time it surfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Can I defeat the Watcher in the Water with a regular bow and arrows?
Unfortunately, no. Traditional weapons, including arrows, are entirely ineffective against the Watcher. You’ll need the First Age Crossbow and First Age Bolts to defeat this formidable foe.
Are there any other special items or strategies to consider in this battle?
To make this fight easier, consider avoiding the Orcs that spawn when you hit the Watcher’s eye. Head to the right-most part of the map where Orcs don’t spawn, giving you a high ground advantage.
Is it possible to retrieve the First Age Bolts after the battle?
No, the First Age Bolts are consumed when you fire them. Make sure you craft enough Bolts for the fight to avoid running out of ammunition.

Thanks for exploring our guide on Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria! If you’re hungry for more knowledge, check out our “LOTR: Return to Moria – Where to Find Ubasam Wood” You can also stay updated by visiting our LOTR: Return to Moria Homepage. For the latest news, updates, and in-depth guides on everything related to Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria, join our thriving community on our Official Discord Server. May your journeys in Middle-earth be ever epic!