Discover How to Kill a Cave Troll
In LOTR: Return to Moria, you will come across huge Cave Trolls that lurk in the depths of the Mines of the Western Halls, the Lower Deeps, Dwarrowelf, and Barazinbar. Below we will help you understand their attack patterns and use the correct gear to defeat them.

Types of Cave Trolls
Cave Trolls come in two distinct varieties: those armed with weapons and the unarmed ones. Each one fights differently making it a challenge to bring one down.

Tough Nut to Crack
Bringing down a Cave Troll is not easy. They have high resistance to all types of weapons and, unlike the Eye of the Watcher in the Water, no particular weakness. There is a way to quickly kill a Cave Troll but we will explain that later on in the guide.

Exploiting Their Weakness
In the world of LOTR: Return to Moria, Cave Trolls are vulnerable to one thing: sunlight. Depending on the map’s generation, you might encounter them in areas bathed in sunlight. One notable spot is the vast expanse in Dwarrowdelf.

Invaders at Your Gates
As you progress through the game, Cave Trolls will start to raid your base. To be able to defeat them you will need to understand their attack patterns.

Deciphering the Attack Patterns
Unarmed Troll
Unarmed Trolls have a variety of devastating attacks, including a powerful stomp, a bone-shattering smash, a ground-shaking slam, and even hurling boulders when you’re at a distance.

Armed Troll
Armed Trolls come equipped with a different set of attacks. They can execute a single wide sweep, double wide sweeps, an overhead slam, and they won’t hesitate to throw boulders your way.

Move with Precision
All Cave Troll attacks can be dodged, but none can be blocked. Blocking an attack will send you flying, leaving you vulnerable. Dodging is the best way to survive fighting a Cave Troll.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Cave Trolls are quite tanky with a lot of health. To bring it down you will need to dodge well and attack when ever the Cave Troll takes a break in attacks.

Gear Up for Battle in LOTR: Return to Moria
Before engaging in battle, repair your equipment, ensure that your weapon and armor are at 100% durability. A damaged weapon can become unusable during the fight, and sturdy armor is your shield against the Troll’s wrath.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Can I block a Cave Troll’s attack?
Blocking a Cave Troll’s attack will send you flying, so it’s best to focus on dodging.
What is the weakness of Cave Trolls?
Cave Trolls are vulnerable to sunlight, but they have no other specific weaknesses.
Where can I encounter Cave Trolls in the game?
You can find Cave Trolls in the Mines of the Western Halls, the Lower Deeps, Dwarrowelf, and Barazinbar.
How do I instantly kill a Cave Troll?
Cave Trolls can be instantly killed by luring them into areas with sunlight, such as the big area in Dwarrowdelf.
What are the different types of Cave Trolls?
Cave Trolls come in two types: Trolls with weapons and unarmed Trolls.
Is it possible to encounter Cave Trolls early in the game?
No, Cave Trolls cannot be encountered early in the game.

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