Return to Moria: Quarrymaster Full Guide

How to Craft the Quarrymaster?

Venture into the depths of Moria, where the Quarrymaster – waits for those brave enough to bring their pickaxe-wielding prowess up to a keen edge. In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you the complex steps required to forge/craft this legendary masterpiece, unlocking unmatched mining prowess.

How to Craft the Quarrymaster?

Step 1: Repairing the Great Forge of Narvi

Your first step towards obtaining the Quarrymaster is by restoring the Great Forge of Narvi located in the Elven Quarters of the Western Halls. This age-old forge harbors the knowledge required for crafting pivotal elements such as Steel Ingots and Steel Pickaxes.

Step 1: Repairing the Great Forge of Narvi

Similar to other legendary forges like the Great Forge of Durin and Great Belegost Forge, the Great Forge of Narvi is where the magic happens. Here, you can also craft other legendary masterworks like Shieldwall, Wanderkeg, and Zarok Torch (Note: repairing the Great Forge of Narvi doesn’t provide you the Quarrymaster Recipe).

Great Forge of Narvi

Step 2: Crafting Bellows

With the Steel Ingot recipe at your disposal, crafting Bellows becomes possible. These crucial devices upgrade furnaces, enabling the smelting of advanced metals like Tin Ore and Copper Ore. As you delve into the depths of Moria, Bellows will prove indispensable for your crafting arsenal.

Step 2: Crafting Bellows

Materials Needed:

  • 4 Steel Ingot
  • 8 Elven Wood
  • 4 Hide

Step 3: Gem Cutter Crafting

Your next step is unlocking the Gem Cutter. Once you have crafted the Gem Cutter you will be able to craft the First Age Pickaxe. This pickaxe can be used to mine Silver Ore which you will need for the Quarrymaster.

Step 3: Gem Cutter Crafting

Materials Needed:

  • 10 Stones
  • 10 Ubasam Wood
  • 3 Steel Ingot

Step 4: Crafting the First Age Pickaxe

With the Gem Cutter in hand, crafting the First Age Pickaxe becomes a reality. This iconic pickaxe serves as the key to extracting/mining Silver Ore, an important material for crafting the mighty Quarrymaster. Crafting this Pickaxe grants you with a Quarrymaster Recipe.

Step 4: Crafting the First Age Pickaxe

Materials Needed:

  • 3 Steel Ingot
  • 1 Black Diamonds
  • 4 Ubasam Wood

Step 5: Forging the Quarrymaster

The final and most thrilling step is forging the pickaxe itself. Utilize the resources gathered from your adventures in Moria to create this two-handed marvel, combining Steel Ingot, Silver Ingot, Black Diamond, and Ubasam Wood.

Step 5: Forging the Quarrymaster

Materials Needed:

  • 6 Steel Ingot
  • 6 Silver Ingot
  • 1 Black Diamond
  • 8 Ubasam Wood

Unmatched Mining Prowess

This pickaxe stands as one of the most potent early game pickaxes in Moria, outshining even the famed Durin’s Axe. Its capability to extract any valuable resource within Moria renders it indispensable for dedicated miners.

Unmatched Mining Prowess

Quarrymaster vs. Durin’s Axe

While both are masterful in their own right, Durin’s Axe holds the unique power to dispel the curse in Durin’s Door. The Quarrymaster’s two-handed design gives it further mining range and efficiency.

Quarrymaster vs. Durin's Axe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can I use Durin’s Axe instead of Quarrymaster?
Yes, but Durin’s Axe, while effective, lacks the Quarrymaster’s ability to cover a broad range when mining in Moria.

Is it necessary to repair the Great Forge of Narvi?
It is necessary to repair the Great Forge of Narvi as it allows you to craft/forge essential items such as Steel Ingot and Steel Pickaxe, in which allows you to unlock the Quarrymaster Recipe.

Can I craft the Quarrymaster without the First Age Pickaxe?
The First Age Pickaxe is a requisite for crafting Quarrymaster and obtaining its recipe. It also allows you to mine the Silver Ore necessary for forging this powerful two-handed pickaxe.

How do I obtain Black Diamonds for crafting?
Black Diamonds can be obtained/gathered through mining, unlocking Orkish Chests, and being dropped by Orcs.

Can Quarrymaster dispel curses like Durin’s Axe?
Quarrymaster doesn’t have the curse-dispelling powers of Durin’s Axe. Yet, its wide-range mining capability makes it the favored choice for swift resource gathering/mining.

Are there other uses for Bellows and Gem Cutter?
Yes, Bellows and Gem Cutter serve as essential crafting components, unlocking advanced smelting and the First Age Pickaxe recipe, respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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