Discover How to Remove the Purple Mist
While exploring Moria you will come across a purple mist covering sections of the ground. This shadow drains your health and poses a significant challenge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. Below we will show you how to clear the mist and make it safe to travel through those areas.

Rebuild Durin Monuments in Return to Moria
One of the most effective ways to banish the purple shadow in Khazad-dum is by rebuilding Durin Monuments. The first Durin Monument you’ll likely encounter is in the Lower Deeps, just before you find the Secret Tomb of Kings. To activate its magic and dispel the purple shadow, you’ll need to sing a special tune. This action not only clears the shadow curse but also revitalizes your character, providing the “undaunted” buff, and removing any Shadow-Curse you might have acquired.

Moreover, singing at other statues dedicated to the legendary king Durin will yield the same result. However, repairing smaller statues in the area won’t dispel the purple mist; instead, it provides you with valuable tool recipes. So, keep an eye out for Durin Monuments to lighten the shadows that plague Moria.

Restore Durin’s Lamps
Durin’s Lamps can be found throughout the mines and tunnels of Moria. They will help you in your quest to clear the purple mist. These lamps can be brought back to life with the right resources. Some lamps require stone for their restoration, while others demand True-Quartz and Ihratz Granite.

If you’re concerned about clearing purple mist in other areas without Durin’s Lamp, worry not. You can acquire the Durin’s Lamp Recipe by repairing the Durin Statue in Baranzibar in The Bone Hoard area.

Once you’ve restored or placed the lamp, you’ll need to sing an inspiring tune to trigger a magical light that cleanses the surrounding area of the ominous shadow. This not only enhances your visibility but also ensures you remain unharmed by the Shadow-Curse.

Materials Needed to Build Durin’s Lamp:
To create Durin’s Lamp, a legendary and iconic artifact in the realm of Middle-earth, one must gather and assemble a set of specific materials:
- 1 Sun-stone
- 6 True-quartz
- 4 Khazad Steel Ingot
- 15 Adamant

Use Durin’s Axe
Durin’s Axe is a potent weapon in your arsenal for combating the purple mist in Moria. Throughout the game, you’ll come across five fragments of Durin’s Axe scattered throughout the Black Pit. Collecting all these fragments will allow you to reforge the tool and use it as you explore the treacherous depths.

Durin’s Axe has the added benefit of being able to remove Shadow Runes from the Doors of Durin, granting you access to Baranzibar while also dispelling the purple shadow’s influence.

Utilizing Durin’s Equipment for Protection
While Durin’s Equipment, including armor, gauntlets, leggings, helmet, and shield won’t dispel the shadow in an area, they do provide protection. These items can be crafted at the Great Forge of Durin, with the shield being crafted at any forge.

While they won’t prevent you from getting the Shadow Curse from the purple mist, they slow down its build-up and remove the Shadow Curse debuff after a while when you leave the range of the purple mist.

How to Lessen the Impact of the Shadow Curse
If you find yourself lacking the necessary resources to utilize the methods mentioned above, there are alternative strategies to lessen the impact of the Shadow Curse. The Shadow Curse triggers when the In Shadow bar is completely filled, resulting in damage to your character. To avoid this, you can employ the following tactics:
- Maintain a Full Stamina Bar: Ensuring your stamina bar is consistently full can help reduce the impact of the Shadow Curse. By doing so, you’ll be able to move quickly to a clear space before the curse fully takes hold, minimizing the damage you receive.
- Create a Path Over the Shadow: Another way is to build a path over the purple shadow. By doing this you can avoid getting affected by the poison of the shadow.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How do I acquire the Durin’s Lamp Recipe?
You can obtain the Durin’s Lamp Recipe by repairing the statue in Baranzibar, specifically in The Bone Hoard area. Once the lamp is restored or placed, sing an inspiring tune to activate the magical light.
Are Durin’s Equipment easy to craft, and are the resources readily available?
Crafting Durin’s Equipment requires numerous rare resources, but they can be crafted at the Great Forge of Durin.
Does Durin’s Equipment completely protect me from the Shadow Curse?
While Durin’s Equipment doesn’t fully dispel the shadow, it offers protection by slowing down the build-up of the Shadow Curse. It’s a valuable safeguard in fog-filled areas.
Can I rebuild smaller statues to dispel the purple mist?
Repairing smaller statues won’t dispel the purple mist but will provide you with tool recipes. To dispel the shadow, focus on Durin Monuments and Durin’s Lamps.
Where can I find the fragments of Durin’s Axe?
You’ll find the five fragments of Durin’s Axe scattered throughout Moria. Collect all fragments to reforge the tool and use it for various purposes.
Can I use Durin’s Axe to remove Shadow Runes from the Doors of Durin?
Yes, Durin’s Axe has the added benefit of being able to remove Shadow Runes from the Doors of Durin, granting you access to new areas and shortcuts.
How can I maintain a full stamina bar to lessen the impact of the Shadow Curse?
To keep your stamina bar full, use stamina-restoring items or feel stuffed by eating, and try to avoid running or sprinting unnecessarily to conserve stamina.

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